Mama Don’t Let Your Babies Drink Soy Milk

~ Mama don’t let your babies drink soy milk

~ Don’t let ’em sing show tunes and avoid them schoolyard fights

~ Make ’em be wingers and warmongers and such

The final piece of evidence arrived today proving the radical right is certifiably insane.  

James Rutz, chairman of the Open Church Ministries, and writing in the loonie rightwing publication WorldNetDaily, opines when you eat or drink excess soy products, you’re also getting substantial quantities of estrogens.

According to Rutz, the danger for a man of consuming soy milk and tofu is the suppression of your masculinity and stimulating your “female side,” both physically and mentally. The culprit is the excess intake of estrogen and the suppression of testosterone.

“Estrogens are female hormones. If you’re a woman, you’re flooding your system with a substance it can’t handle in surplus. If you’re a man, you’re suppressing your masculinity and stimulating your “female side,” physically and mentally. In fetal development, the default is being female. All humans (even in old age) tend toward femininity. The main thing that keeps men from diverging into the female pattern is testosterone, and testosterone is suppressed by an excess of estrogen.”

So vegetarian mothers-to-be, feeding soy milk to your newborn son may result in turning him into a big, ole’ queer! Before he knows what hit him, instead of asking you for a baseball glove, he will be asking for a sewing machine!

And it’s all because of the soy milk and tofu.

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9 Responses to Mama Don’t Let Your Babies Drink Soy Milk

  1. mdmbl says:

    Hahahahahahahahaha! L.u.n.a.t.i.c.

    Rutz fails to factor into account the billion+ Asian men in China, Korea, Japan, Indonesia and Taiwan who eat soy (tofu) and they’re as straight as an arrow.

    Dumb, dumb, dumb.

  2. Harry says:

    Dang! Now I know how I became gay. My mother gave me a tofu weiner! LOL!

  3. Mick Dreamy says:

    I like tofu and stir fried vegetables. Does this mean I have to worry about becoming gay now? Maybe only on Sundays?

  4. JDRShaw says:

    Too bad Rutz doesn’t explain what he ate to turn his brain into dead matter.

    This is without a doubt the dumbest thing I’ve read in at least a year. No wonder the flat-world crowd is so confused.

  5. Mark says:

    Unfucking real.

  6. thimk pimk says:

    I can impart that heavy soy eaters semen has a more gamey taste than regular American food eaters. Of course I can’t speak from personal experience – just what I’ve been told by close, trusted friends with knowledge of such things. 😉

  7. Jim says:

    The only thing Rutz may be stimulating is his IDIOT side. Ah, the “science” of the Right…

  8. feminazi says:

    I thought this was a goof article, but alas, it is an example of how whacky and even dangerous the far right has become. I thing mdmbl hit the nail on the head Itop poster) who posits what about the billion or so Asian men who grew up eating soy products and they’re just as straight and masculine as John Wayne? A more lame theory can’t be argued, in my opinion.

  9. BJohnM says:

    Myself and another person with whom I work have recently conducted our own scientific study (scientific at least to the extent of most of the radical rights requirements), and we’ve determined that the cause of homosexuality must be Coors Beer. Well actually, that’s not completely true…it’s the Colorado Rocky Mountain Spring Water.

    Our study is based on the recent revelations of all the gay Colorado radical right preachers coming out. (There have been two…that’s about the sample size the radical right can cite for conversion therapy success, so it must be a large enough sampling.) Clearly, there’s something in the water in Colorado!

    Now, obviously there are gay people outside of Colorado. We believe Coors Beer must be the transmission vehicle. He and I both drank a few Coors Beers during our high school and college days. That’s a sampling of two…once again, about enough for religious wingnuts to call it a scientific fact.

    And this only makes sense. The Coors family are of German heritage. I think it’s a huge plot on their part. “The Family” uses their beer, laced with the devil’s own Colorado Rocky Mountain Spring Water, to spread homosexuality across America and, as the leader’s on the religious right remind us, cause the destruction of American society. This will leave America open to a take over by the German’s of the 4th Reich. And it’ll just be a cake walk for them, as we’ll be all sissy’ed out.

    See, it just all makes sense doesn’t it? Whew! I’m sure glad we got that all figured out. I was getting confused.

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