Vice President Al Gore: Please Run in ’08!

The field of Democratic presidential hopefuls is beginning to take shape, although the election is still two years away. They’re wasting no time for the prize of a lifetime and why should they? Sens. Clinton, Kerry, Biden, Bayh and Obama are busy maneuvering.

But there’s only one 800lbs. gorilla capable of blowing all of them out of the water: Al Gore.

 Al Gore

And Gore knows it. Intellectually superior to any comer who dares to cross his path, the former Vice President has devoted his post-Washington tenure to the one of the most critical issues facing the planet: the environment.

In his brilliant documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, Gore brings the sobering issue of global warming to the masses. A companion book brings it to the coffee table. After 6 years of an administration who seems hell-bent on destroying the environment with its cavalier, pro-corporate attitude, Mr. Gore has struck a collective nerve and it appears that people are beginning to embrace global warming.

This Saturday, Mr. Gore is hosting a network of 1,600 house parties across the country to watch and discuss his documentary. He address the gatherings by satellite hookup. The movie is on the short list of feature-length documentaries being considered for Oscar nominations.

Gore also insists that he’s not planning a return to politics. Or is he?

“I am not planning to run for president again,” Gore said last week, arguing that his focus is raising public awareness about global warming and its dire effects. Then, he added: “I haven’t completely ruled it out.”

From where I sit, Al Gore is our best hope for 2008. 

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11 Responses to Vice President Al Gore: Please Run in ’08!

  1. Matteo says:

    One Million Black Votes Didn’t Count in the 2000 Presidential Election
    It’s not too hard to get your vote lost — if some politicians want it to be lost

    by Greg Palast

    In the 2000 presidential election, 1.9 million Americans cast ballots that no one counted. “Spoiled votes” is the technical term. The pile of ballots left to rot has a distinctly dark hue: About 1 million of them — half of the rejected ballots — were cast by African Americans although black voters make up only 12 percent of the electorate.

    The ugly truth that no one wants to discuss today. Let this fact be a reminder on 2008′ and who you cast your vote for. Al Gore won in 2000. He knows it, the American people knows it and yes, even George W. Bush knows it.

  2. feminazi says:

    Oh yes. Gore must run for president in 2008. He’s our heir apparent and the best qualified to lead the nation.

  3. Jim says:

    If we can all just hang on, Sanity is on the way.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    A Gore victory would be so fucking sweet that I could hardly stand it! A true repudiation of the U.S. Supreme Court and Poppy’s golf buddies pretending to be judges and their disasterous decision that set the wheels in motion for the Bush nightmare. Yeah, Gore’s da’ man!

  5. steve higgins says:

    I’m surprised how breezily presidential Mr. Gore looks just hanging back and doing his important work on raising awareness on environmental issues. The should stand as lesson to all the field clamoring to be the leader of the free world:

    The less you talk, the more opportunity for those around you to look like fools.

  6. Harry says:

    Matteo is on it as usual. Everyone I know is still furious over the stolen 2000 election and electing Gore (again) would be such beautiful payback. And you know what they say about payback.


    Gore is the stealth presumptive candidate and a breath of fresh air.

    I hope he cleans up the Big Tent and purges it from the likes of Hillary, Kerry, and Biden. These three are the biggest jokes we have on the left and they must be done away with once and for all.

  8. thimk pimk says:

    Yummy, yummy, yummy! Now that’s a good looking man and one I want to see in the White House (or in my house) for the next four years. Too long have we had a damned chimp in there.

  9. feminazi says:

    Me to, thimk pimk. Gore looks swell in that photo!

  10. Ypsilanti says:

    Oh yes, Mr. Gore is what a president should look like.

    Not to mention a bed partner.

  11. Gore For Prez Please! says:

    Al Gore must run!!! He is by far the best candidate for the job, while the others are vice-presidential material. Everytime I hear Al Gore speak, I say to myself, God I hope he is our next president. Please, Mr. Gore, hear the Amercian people and run for president!

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