Clinton-Obama Ticket Scares GOP More than Gay Marriage

The possibility that a potential Democratic presidential primary matchup between Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama could lead to a Clinton-Obama ticket is raising concerns in GOP circles that it might be unbeatable.

While Democratic strategists are more skeptical of the success of a ticket composed of two minorities, some Republican advisers to the White House and leading 2008 hopefuls Sen. John McCain and Rudy Giuliani see the ticket as an easy winner built on the enthusiasm it would generate in Democratic circles.

Their theory is that Clinton would stand a good chance to pick up the states that Sen. John Kerry won in 2004. While not enough to win the election on her own, the addition of Obama would help push closely divided states like Ohio over into the Democratic column, thereby giving the Clinton-Obama ticket the White House.

“Listen, we’ve got some lackluster people running on our side, and that is exactly the kind of ticket that would get their side in a fever pitch,” said a Bush ally. Democrats aren’t so sure it would work, though, because of Clinton’s high negatives and Obama’s short résumé and race. But the Bush adviser said those factors are actually winners: Obama could help soften Clinton’s image and bring more African-American voters to the ticket as well as independents seeking real and symbolic change.

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7 Responses to Clinton-Obama Ticket Scares GOP More than Gay Marriage

  1. Randy Arroyo says:

    Somehow I can’t see a Clinton/Obama ticket. Hillary has an ego as big as New York and my guess is so does Obama. If they came together on a single ticket, they would cancel one another out. But who knows? Politics is a fool’s game.

  2. Jim says:

    I hope for a Gore/Obama ticket!!!

  3. Harry says:

    Fuck the GOP and everything they stand for. I’ve has enough of them.

  4. James17930 says:

    I think this is the way to go.

  5. sergio says:

    Gore is gone. Clinton/Obama is a winner. Hope Dems. have the balls to go with that. As for their ego, their intellect should speak louder. Obama is young enough to wait 8 years and head the ticket himself.

  6. john says:

    Clinton/Obama is unbeatable.

  7. Ace Macleod says:

    Yep, this is definitely the ticket I would vote for. If the Democrats could unite (something that the GOP does very well) on this one they will most definitely have the White House in 2008.

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