On Iraq, Bush is Delusional and Isolated

President George Bush’s view of the Iraq war simply doesn’t square with reality. His happy talk suggests a delusional and isolated man out of touch with reality and lumbering through a haze created from drinking too much koolaid. 

Read the following assessments of the Iraq war.  

Colin Powell

After telling the UN assembly in 2003 that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, the former Secretary of State admitted in May 2004 the claims were “inaccurate and wrong and, in some cases, deliberately misleading”.

Colonel Tim Collins

The Army colonel made a famous rousing speech to troops on the eve of battle. But in September 2005, he declared:

“History might notice the invasion has arguably acted as the best recruiting sergeant for al-Qa’ida ever.”

Paul Bremer

The former head of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq admitted in January 2006:

“It [the invasion] was a much tougher job than I think I expected it to be… we really didn’t see the insurgency coming.”

Zalmay Khalilzad

Contradicting the usually upbeat rhetoric, the US ambassador in Iraq said in March: “We have opened a Pandora’s box”. And unless the violence abated, Iraq would “make Taliban Afghanistan look like child’s play.”

Richard Perle

Regarded as one of the intellectual godfathers of the war, Perle changed his tack in November, admitting that “huge mistakes were made” in the invasion of Iraq. “The levels of brutality we’ve seen are truly horrifying,” he added.

Ken Adelman

Last month, the noted neoconservative said: “The national security team… turned out to be among the most incompetent in the post-war era. Not only did each of them have enormous flaws, but together they were deadly.”

Donald Rumsfeld

A memo from the hardline former defence secretary revealed this week that he had been looking for a change of tactics. “In my view, it is time for a major adjustment… what US forces are doing in Iraq is not working well enough…”

Robert Gates

Yesterday, Mr Rumsfeld’s proposed successor was asked at a Senate hearing whether the US was winning the war in Iraq. “No, sir,” he replied. And he warned that the situation could lead to a “regional conflagration”.

President George Bush

“Absolutely, we’re winning.”

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6 Responses to On Iraq, Bush is Delusional and Isolated

  1. Harry says:

    In a $5 dollar banana republic a lunatic like George Bush would be hauled away by the military and placed under house arrest. Instead, we have to suffer through the completion of his term until the Iraq war can be ended.

  2. feminazi says:

    Count me in the camp of people not buying the Rumsfeld memo. I mean, the timing of the thing is just too curious and suspect. He’s clearly worried about his own legacy and that means opposing, if not the war itself, then the direct of the war.

    I hope this doesn’t mean we’ll be hearing from Rummy in his retirement as Americans continue to die in Iraq.

  3. Brigadoon says:

    Bush is nuts – period. Maybe it’s the booze or maybe it’s the dope, or both, but the reality is, Bush is the type who would gaze up into the morning sky and remark that the sun is rising in the north.

    His enablers would all bounce their heads up and down in total agreement.

  4. Matteo says:

    Think the nutcase neocons are only found on the right? Think again.

    ‘We Can’t Afford to Leave’

    As the debate over Iraq intensifies, leading Democrat Silvestre Reyes is calling for the deployment of more U.S. troops.


    In a surprise twist in the debate over Iraq, Rep. Silvestre Reyes, the soon-to-be chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said he wants to see an increase of 20,000 to 30,000 U.S. troops as part of a stepped up effort to “dismantle the militias.”

    Comments like this are straight out of Lieberman’s playbook.

  5. Joske says:

    President Bush now finds himself in a box, a small box, alone and isolated on Iraq and his refusal to admit game over, suggests an emotionally stunted runt, ill-suited to function as leader of the free world.

    I sincerely hope the military is keeping an eye on him because a cornered, humiliated Bush is very dangerous. He must be leashed and prevented from doing harm to his real or imagined enemies, both in the USA and around the world.

    Poppy Bush should be crying alright, but for his first born.

  6. rallyagainsttheright says:

    Wait until the investigations get underway next month into pre-war intel.

    General Bush will do eberything in his power to bring the troops home and put an end to this war. He knows to do anything else is to invite charges of war crimes.

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