Mary Cheney is Sperminated

Mary Cheney and her partner, Heather Poe are going to be moms. 

Picture use courtesy of

The lesbian Republican daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney is pregnant. No word yet on who was the sperminator. Mary Cheney was a key aide to her father in his 2004 reelection campaign. She came under intense criticism from activists over her refusal to publicly support gay rights and gay marriage equity.

Grandparents-to-be, Vice President Dick Cheney and his wife Lynne, are reported to be “thrilled” by the announcement. 

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14 Responses to Mary Cheney is Sperminated

  1. Harry says:

    Little Mary sunshine is going to be a mother. What state does she and Heather reside? Is it a red state that forbids them marrying?

  2. The Queen of Bismark Terrace says:

    The link refers to the couple’s “Great Falls” home. If this means Great Falls, Montana, then Harry is correct. They cannot marry there or even register as domestic partners.

  3. feminazi says:

    Just what the world needs: a baby Republican to pickup where its grandfather left off.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    I’m very confused here, so maybe a conservative can help me out?

    The religious right is so very fond of telling gay people that “God didn’t make Adam and Steve,” so gay marriage is out of the question in the United States.

    But if you’re the daughter of a uber-rich Vice President, evidently God made Eve and Peg?

    How can this be so?

  5. troy says:

    Oh please don’t tell us it was David Crosby and his turkey baster are at it again? I can’t grow old knowing the son or daughter of Mary “the witch” Cheney gave birth to the grandchild of Crosby, Stills and Nash? The sperm just has to be from an anonymous source.

  6. ChiTOM says:

    The irony I perceive as I read this is, should the unthinkable happen and Cheney’s child is born with some type of bith defect or ailment that could be helped or cured with stem cells, these are the people of means who would jet off to Taiwan or France to get the infant the treatment, while denying the rest of Americans the same treatment.

    Nothing is more hypocritical than a conservative with ties to this administration.

  7. Harry says:

    What Chi Tom said. That’s exactly what would happen.

  8. steve higgins says:

    Mary Cheney is pregnant?

    This is an event. Just like the first human-cylone hybrid baby on Battlestar Galactica was an event. Human sperm mixing with whatever the hell Mary Cheney is, and the offspring promises to be a first.

    Kinda’ like a Cockapoo.

  9. Mark says:

    Well, we know who wears the pants in this family! LOL!!!!

  10. Jim says:

    Rosemary’s Baby times 10!!! Though no fault to the poor little rich kid…

  11. Rachel says:

    What I want to know is, did her vagina keep rejecting the semen until it received good, solid conservative jeez? 🙂

  12. Joske says:

    Rachel, Rachel, Rachel! ROFLMAO!

  13. rallyagainsttheright says:

    “Sperminated?” LOL! Oh, that’s brilliant. Much better than turkey basted.

  14. Harry says:

    I love the term “sperminated.” It’s so descriptive.

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