Rick Santorum: R.I.P

Sen. Rick Santorum, the profoundly homophobic senate was rejected yesterday by voters angry over the Iraq war, the economy, and Washington corruption. He was defeated by the state treasurer and son of a popular former governor, Bob Casey Jr., who cast himself as the anti-Santorum.

The election ended Santorum’s reign as one of the Republican Party’s leading conservatives, one who took a front seat in some of the the most controversial cultural battles of the day. As a target of national Democrats, Santorum became the highest-ranking member of Congress to fall yesterday.

Referring to a pending Supreme Court case on Texas’ so-called “Homosexual Conduct” law, Santorum said:

“If the Supreme Court says that you have the right to consensual (gay) sex within your home, then you have the right to bigamy, you have the right to polygamy, you have the right to incest, you have the right to adultery. You have the right to anything.” 

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3 Responses to Rick Santorum: R.I.P

  1. What a goon. Little Ricky is a vile creep and he got what he deserved.

  2. The Queen of Bismark Terrace says:

    Frothy Santorum is simply dispicable and to see him so thoroughly defeated makes me happy beyond words. He’s a scary fundie and certainly doesn’t belong in the US senate where he can harm people.

  3. James17930 says:

    Do we still get to use ‘santorum’ in the glorious way that Dan Savage implores us to now that Rick is out of office?

    I wonder if this little coloquilism has staying power . . . hope so.

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