Rep. Harold Ford Suffers from Liebermanitis

liebermanitis, n; a disease afflicting Democrats who have a close relationship with President George W. Bush and who defend the president’s agenda, especially the Iraq war. There is no cure for the disease and it is always politically fatal.

“You have to understand people like George Bush. He’s a nice guy. We need to learn from him.” – Rep. Harold Ford, (D-TN)

The latest Rasmussen Reports poll proves the campaign of Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) to replace retiring Sen. Bill Frist (R-TN) is in serious trouble. He’s trailing his Republican challenger by a lethal 12 percentage points. Ford, arguably President Bush’s second favorite Democrat (after Joe Lieberman), has built a career as the rightwing media’s ‘go to’ African American apologist for the president’s agenda. From Bush’s Social Security privatization scheme, to the failed Medicare prescription drug plan and the Iraq war, Karl Rove can always count on Rep. Harold Ford to act of the administration’s point man when he appears on FOXNews (GOP-TV) or IMUS in the Morning.   

Rep. Harold Ford’s profound affection for President Bush, coupled with his personal ambitions and utter lack of principles, have caused many Democrats – both white and black, to hold him in suspicion and even wonder aloud why he hasn’t jumped party by now and become a Republican? He’s not just a DINO, Ford is a Bush surrogate.

And like 3 term Connecticut Democratic senator Joe Lieberman, freshman Rep. Harold Ford is learning the hard way that in national politics, when you stake your political health on a hugely unpopular president, often there’s no cure for what ails you. 

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6 Responses to Rep. Harold Ford Suffers from Liebermanitis

  1. Matteo says:

    The pajamas media just loves Harold Ford. Case in point, this glowing remark from PowerPundit:

    If the Democrats start electing more people like Rep. Harold Ford of Tennessee, and putting them into prominent positions in the party’s hierarchy, then I might start getting a little worried. Congressman Ford made the following comments to Don Imus yesterday regarding Howard Dean:

    “I won’t have him down so many times in Tennessee on the campaign trail with me. He has made some comments as of late that really speak to a lack of understanding I think, of the country, a lack of understanding of faith and values. I’m a Democrat and I’m a God fearing one. I grew up in church. Christianity is not reserved for white males. I think perhaps Governor Dean sometimes gets a little excited at the mouth, and says things that are simply not true. It may reach a point where if he can’t find a way to kind of control some of his comments, and temper his comments, it may get to the point where the party may need to look elsewhere for leadership, because he does not speak for me, and I know he does not speak for a majority of Democrats and I dare say Republicans in my home state. I know that other, even Senator Biden and others, have made some stronger comments about him. I look forward to having a chance to sit with him here in the next day or so. I think he’s going to be here in Capitol Hill a little later today to meet with us. I want to ask him directly. Can he contain himself in a lot of ways, and what is his thought process in a lot of these issues because it is not representative of where the party is.”

    What’s next? Tea with Michelle Malkin?

  2. Harry says:

    “Liebermanitis.” Hahahaha, hehehehe, love it.

  3. Nerissa says:

    I voted for Harold back when he first ran for US Congress. Almost rightaway I realized this was another mistake.

    You see, black folk are used to sell outs, the Uncle Toms who think to get ahead they got to get in bed with the worst elected officials. This happens all the time and it ain’t restricted to national politics. In Memphis, there have been so many like Harold that they could form their own club.

    The sad thing is, I will vote for Harold for senator. Not because I have any use for him, but because I don’t vote for Republicans. Never have, never will. So black folk get the short end of the stick again.

  4. mbmdl says:

    Imus loves Harold Ford. He’s one Imus’ staple players. In fact, the first time I saw Harold Ford was on the Imus show.

  5. feminazi says:

    Don’t be surprised if Bush offers Harold Ford a cabinet position for his loyal support.

  6. Barking Dog says:

    ROFLMAO! This is riot! Both Joementum AND Harold Ford!

    In a world of bad and depressing news items today, this one made me smile.

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