Cavuto’s Middle East Xpurts: Ann Coulter and Bo Dietl

File this one under FOXNews (GOP-TV) is crazy and getting crazier.

Media Matters has the details:

On the July 20 edition of Fox News’ Your World, host Neil Cavuto turned to right-wing pundit Ann Coulter and private investigator Richard “Bo” Dietl, chairman and founder of private investigation firm Beau Dietl & Associates and a former detective with the New York City Police Department, for insight into the current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah. In separate interviews, Coulter declared that, if she were president, she would first “deport all liberals” and then focus on the Middle East, while Dietl suggested that Turkey is seeking to reinstitute “the Ottoman Empire” by “overpopuliz[ing]” [sic] Germany.

When Cavuto asked how “President Ann Coulter” would view certain diplomatic overtures toward Israel from Hezbollah’s leadership, Coulter noted that her “first act in office … would be to deport all liberals … then … deal with Israel.” Ending the segment, Coulter told Cavuto that he could attend her hypothetical inauguration in order to “help us deport the liberals.” Coulter has appeared on Your World — dubbed by Fox News as “the No.1 business news show on cable” — numerous times throughout the past several months (for example: here, here, and here). Notwithstanding these appearances, on the July 20 edition of the program, she admitted that she “know[s] nothing about the financial world,” although that lack of knowledge did not prevent her from opining, on the June 30 edition of Your World, on how the financial markets had reacted to Hamdan v. Rumsfeld, the Supreme Court decision in which the court prohibited the use of military commissions for the trials of detainees at Guantánamo Bay.

Later in the program, Cavuto asked Dietl if he agreed with the claim that “$100 million worth of Iranian money and weaponry has made its way to Hezbollah.” Dietl replied with a “yeah,” but diverting slightly, added: “Look at what is going on in Germany. You have 15 million Turks there, Muslim Turks. You’ve got Muslim families that are told they have to have six to eight children. They want to overpopulize [sic]. Remember the Ottoman Empire, 500 years ago? Let’s go to the real source of the problem here. You cannot live with these radical Muslims. They don’t want to coexist. They want to wipe you out or transfer you into being a radical Muslim. That’s … what this whole thing is.” Dietl later predicted that “Iran is going to stay kind of mute” in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict because it recognizes that “America is the strongest army there is on the Earth, and that we could go into Syria, into Damascus — Damascus, and make a parking lot out of that tomorrow.”

Dietl has previously argued for more racial profiling in “your 7-Elevens” in order to combat terrorism and once claimed that in the event of a nuclear attack by Muslim terrorists, the United States should declare “holy war” and threaten to “bomb the most religious places.”

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6 Responses to Cavuto’s Middle East Xpurts: Ann Coulter and Bo Dietl

  1. Jennifer says:

    Ann Coulter is an idiot.

  2. feminazi says:

    Each time Coulter appears on Fox News, the network solidifies its reputation was the cable voice of rightwing nuts and kooks. They deserve one another.

  3. dave128 says:

    I’m interested, does “lovely” Ann appear on CNN, MSNBC or any of the other news channels or talk shows in the US?


  4. dave128 says:

    Does “lovely” Ann ever appear on CNN, MSNBC and the other news channels and talk shows in the US, or is Faux the only network that airs her hate?

  5. DMason says:

    Who the hell is Bo Deitl? Sounds like a bug that bites you in the summer months. As far as Mann Coulter, her last name does begin with a “C.” If you get my drift. hehehe.

  6. Barking Dog says:

    “Who the hell is Bo Dietl?” DMason

    Well, he’s a semi-regular fixture on Imus and a loudmouthed bloviator who is as paranoid as they come.

    Small men (RE: Hitler, Tom Cruise and George Bush) all have this complex.

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