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It’s official.

After months of denials, embattled Connecticut senator Joe Lieberman, announced announced today he will petition for a place on the November ballot as an “independent Democrat,” giving him a chance to stay alive politically should he lose an Aug. 8 primary for the Democratic nomination.

The “favorite Democrat” of President George Bush, rightwing columnist Ann Coulter, and the entire on-air staff of FOXNews (GOP-TV), Lieberman is a three-term senator whose outspoken support of the war in Iraq has brought months of grief and inspired a strong primary challenge from Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont.

If he loses in the August primary, Lieberman would retain his status as a registered Democrat. His name would not, however, appear on the ballot line with other Democrats.


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  1. Harry says:

    Are, very special people…..
    There the luckiest people…..
    In the world…..
    With one person…..
    One, very, special person…..

    I’m gay and even I’m ready to puke.

  2. Matteo says:

    There’s a crisis in today’s Democratic party thanks to the large number of DINO’s roaming around Washington, afraid to challenge the Bush administration on every issue from the Iraq war, to deficit spending, attacks on gay Americans and abortion. As lawmakers it comes down to how they vote. When the DINO wing of the Democratic party refuses to vote to bring our troops home from Iraq, it sends a mixed signal to the American people. Lieberman – like Hillary, Kerry and Biden, are as old school and as timid as they come, and I think they’re presence in the party is a destructive force. In Lieberman’s case, I would go a step further and advocate that he become a Republican because that’s who he is and who he stands with on the issues that matter.

  3. feminazi says:

    Lieberman makes me physically ill. As a Connecticut resident I hope and I pray that he’s defeated and Lamont is elected.

  4. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    Laura Bush would kill for that much luvin’ from her husband.

  5. VicoDANIEL says:

    I’ve been told that both Sens. Harry Reid and Hillary Clinton have agreed to tape political support ads for Lieberman that will air in Connecticut over the summer in the lead-up to Aug. 8th.

    Let this political fracas stand as a shining example of the price you will pay when you embrace the neocons agenda of George Bush and Dick Cheney and their un-Americanism. And yes, I mean un-American. The war in Iraq had nothing to do with securing our nation’s security. It had everything to do with PNAC and realizing their agenda.

  6. Manu says:

    LIE-berman is no liberal and he’s got no right to call himself a Democrat unless it’s parody.

  7. JDRShaw says:

    Wonderful! I heard it on the drive home tonight and couldn’t believe it!

    I recall hearing back in April or May that Joementum had met privately with Karl Rove about leaving the party and declaring himself a Republican. But Howard Dean and Sen. Chuck Schumer strongly advised him against it. Anyone hear this?

    Poor Joe; not welcome with the left and not really embraced by the right. His only hope is Bush offers him Rumsfeld job in December after Rumsfeld steps down.

  8. Reunion says:

    Did Bush just put his tongue in Lieberman’s mouth? LOL!

  9. Jim says:

    That’s disgusting!!!!

  10. Brigadoon says:

    Lieberman has pretty much dug his own political grave. This move just provides a headstone.

  11. Jim says:

    Theme from “The Godfather” please.

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