John McCain ‘Hearts’ President Bush

President Bush had Mr. McCain to the White House three times in one week recently to talk about how Mr. Bush should make the case for the war in Iraq. 

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Behind the scenes, during a month in which he repeatedly came to Mr. Bush’s public defense, Mr. McCain called the president to offer words of support, he recounted in an interview.

“I said, ‘Look, hang on, things are bad,’ ” Mr. McCain said. “I said, ‘I’m proud of the job you are doing, and I wanted you to know that I will continue to do what I can to help.’

“I’ve tried, when his numbers went down, to be more supportive and outspoken, because I’d love to pick him up,” Mr. McCain said.

Via: New York Times

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9 Responses to John McCain ‘Hearts’ President Bush

  1. gay kitten says:

    John McCain is such a suck up. I really can’t stand him. Bush & Rove said such horrible things about McCain’s wife, Cindy, in the 2000 campaign and now McCain is hugging Bush like their lovers? What a pig.

  2. SPEAKING2YOU says:

    Ah, aren’t they a lovely couple? The unindicted war criminal and the opportunistic GOPer who says go ahead, bash my wife, all is forgotten in the race for the White House.

    Honey, I wouldn’t vote for John McCain if you put a gun to my head.

  3. gay kitten says:

    Bush looks so uncomfortable. It’s like he’s saying, “Only Jeff Gannon gets to love me like that, John.” hehehehehe!

  4. Rachel says:

    Back in 2000, McCain appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” and said he had concluded with the exceptions for rape, incest, and the protecting the life of the mother, there needs to be an ban on abortions. “I don’t claim to be a theologian, but I have my moral beliefs.” Then he went on to say, “If Roe v. Wade is overturned and abortion outlawed, I would prosecute doctors who performed abortions, but not prosecute a woman who obtained an abortion.” So, if you’re looking for a president who is committed to restricting your reproductive rights and making America 1950’s redux for half the population of the country, then John McCain is your guy. As much as I detest Hillary Clinton, she’s not on the record saying she’s interested in overturning Roe or prosecuting doctors who perform the procedure.

  5. Barking Dog says:

    In all the years I’ve paid attention to politics I’ve never seen a bigger camera whore than Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

    This guy was elected to represent the interests of Arizonians, yet he’s constantly, relentlessly on the talk shows and the cable news shows, speaking in the barely audible, monotone voice that makes me crawl.

    I fully expect to see him on the infomercials as the 2008 presidential election nears because this moron has never met a camera he doesn’t want to fuck.

  6. The question is: Do you like the George W. Bush administration and its policies?

    If the answer is “YES,” then support McCain in 08′ because you will get a continuation of the status quo.

    If the answer is “NO,” then get scared, get angry, but get MOTIVATED to elect anyone but John McCain.

    We have about 2 1/2 years until the next election to get clear on what kind of nation we want to leave to our children.

  7. Aloys says:

    For a peace activist the question is what would a potential candidate do about the war in Iraq? Go on? Stop it? Ignore the cries of the innocents? I have seen no indication at all that Sen. McCain wants to end the war in Iraq. Am I wrong? No, I think he is the wrong man for the job.

  8. Reunion says:

    Why is Sen. McCain hangin’ around Bush’s middle like that? Why? That’s just so wrong on so many levels. I mean, I can’t imagine any level of emotion that would cause me to be so overcome that I would touch that asshole with a 20 foot pole.

  9. Jennifer says:

    He’s gone into IT…

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