The Iraq War: By the Numbers


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Each month From the Left continues its promise to publish the latest American casualty and injury count figures for George Bush’s Iraq war, as well as the financial cost to the U.S. taxpayer.

As the war approaches its 4th year, the question that begs to be answered is, how much more of this madness are the American people willing to take? 

U.S military fatalities: 2,536

Americans wounded in action: 18,356

The Iraq War pricetag to U.S. taxpayers: $292,839,928,348

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10 Responses to The Iraq War: By the Numbers

  1. Lidgerwood says:

    Am I the only one who finds a bitter irony in a man who went AWOL sending American troops to some middle east shithole to die without a shred of relevence to the national security of the USA?

  2. feminazi says:

    Where are the pro-war trolls now following the “Zarqawi is dead” ritual waltz?

    The situation in Iraq is a quagmire and the dead bodies of Americans keep coming home in caskets draped with US flags. The polls show Americans have had it with this war, yet people like Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman are tone deaf. The Green Zone is supposed to stand as the shining example of the “new Iraq” but it’s the most dangerous place on earth now.

    I saw where Jim Webb, Reagan’s Navy secretary said Bush and the Republicans can’t win the war and turn this mess around. He should know and not the chickenhawks running the country.

  3. Aloys says:

    Mr. Bush is a war criminal. There is evi and his name is George Bush.

  4. Lidgerwood says:

    feminazi, Jim Webb said this? Wow. Post the link if you have it. I’d like to print it and show it to a few of my Reagan-worshiping, war freak family members who’ve never met a Republican they didn’t vote for. 

  5. Joe in Colorado says:

    Just keep in mind: each one of those frag-drapped coffins lies a young man or woman who will never see their children grow up, marry and have children of their own. They will never smell the sea on a stormy day, or walk in the rain, or eat a burger with friends on a holiday weekend, or pet their dog.

    George Bush and his neocon buddies have taken this away from them.

  6. Brigadoon says:

    I hate to sound like a hardnose, but you get the government you deserve.

    While the 2000 election was preordained, stolen, call it what you will, voters had a chance to reverse course and stop the bleeding in 2004, but they chose to stay the course.

    Don’t blame me: I voted with the majority in 2000 and for Kerry in 2004.

  7. glo says:

    You liberal weenies refuse to accept is thanks to President Bush’s leadership on Iraq, we haven’t had another 9/11-style attack on American soil since 2001. Stop supporting the terrorists and start supporting America!

  8. Reunion says:

    I 100% support the troops.
    I 100% don’t support the war.
    To people who say this means I’m not supporting America and I’m supporting the terrorists, I have 2 words for you: fuck off.

  9. ChiTOM says:

    I think it’s slightly insane for one person to impune another’s patriotism for recognizing the Iraq war is a predicated on lies and deception, and you take a stand against it.

    But George Bush relies on the simplemindedness of people who enagage in such reasoning.

  10. gay kitten says:

    How tragic and unnecessary all the killing is.

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