Poll: Good News Fails to Boost Bush’s Job Approval

Bush fatigue. It’s real. It’s a fact. And the country is suffering from a serious case of it. 

Image courtesy of the moderatevoice.com

A spate of good news at home and abroad has so far failed to boost how Americans feel about President Bush’s job performance.

Bush’s approval rating slipped to 35% in a TIME poll taken this week, down from 37% in March (and 53% in early 2005). Only 33% of Americans in the survey said they approved of Bush’s handling of the situation in Iraq, vs. 35% in March, and 47% in March 2005. His management of the U.S. economy lost supporters, too, as 36% approved, compared with 39% three months earlier. Bush’s handling of the war on terror saw a slight gain in support, from 44% to 45%.

Bush’s poll numbers remain stuck in a rut despite several high-profile victories scored recently by the Bush Administration. Earlier this month, U.S. forces killed al-Qaeda leader Abu Mousab al-Zarqawi in an air raid in Iraq.

In the TIME survey, 66% said the country is on the wrong track, vs. 28% who said it’s going in the right direction.

Via: TIME Magazine

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6 Responses to Poll: Good News Fails to Boost Bush’s Job Approval

  1. mbmdl says:

    Bush fatigue is a perfect phrase to describe the mood of the nation. This Texas ne’er do well has worn out his welcome. The public is shouting at him, “Go home. Leave!”

  2. Lidgerwood says:

    mbmdl, I had “Bush fatigue” when the Florida ballot fracas was unfolding. It’s just gotten worse for me.

  3. feminazi says:

    That picture really says it all. A 50-something man, the alleged leader of the free world displaying his middle finger to the camera in a defiant statement of contempt.

    So, the 30% who still approves of him approves of this behavior? What losers.

  4. JDRShaw says:

    What’s this? You mean America STILL hates George W. Bush?

    ROFLMAO! Worst President Ever. Plan to put it on his gravestone.

  5. The American people have awakened from the trauma of 9/11 and politicians who try to use the attacks to manipulate the opinion of voters and the outcome of elections fail to realize this.

    Were your president Bush to bake the perfect cake, I think the majority of people in the US would hold him and his administration in suspect, as do the majority of the world today.

  6. ChiTom says:

    The mainstream media, dutiful in its loyalty to the Bush junta, even reports small, insignificant increases in Bush’s job approval numbers that fall within the statistical margin of error.

    How many times have we heard Wolf Blitzer say something like, “Bush’s approval numbers seem to be turning around. Our latest poll shows him going from 34% to 35% in our latest poll!”

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