Saturday Review

 Democrats increased their dominance over Republicans in the race for Congress in the latest Bloomberg/LA Times poll. Voters increasingly see Democrats as the party best able to handle the top problems confronting America, as the GOP struggles to hold their Congressional majorities in midterm elections little more than four months away. Voters favor Democrats over Republicans in contests in their congressional districts by 49% to 35%, a Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll finds. 54% want to see Democrats control Congress, while 34% prefer Republicans remain in power. An April poll had Democrats leading Republicans 51% to 38% percent. Republicans should be afraid, very afraid.

 Mary Cheney’s $1 million memoir stands an epic publishing disaster. Now It’s My Turn, about her life as the openly gay, Republican daughter of Vice President Dick Cheney has sold poorly. By the numbers: 2,445 (5/13/06), 1,633 (5/20/06), 982 (5/27/06), 574 (6/3/06). If you’re curious about this whining account of being a victim of liberal bloggers, as well as the gay mafia, wait another month and you’ll find this oddity for sale on the dollar clearance table.

 Al Gore tells Rolling Stone, “[But] Bush is insulated — his staff smiles a lot and only gives him the news that he wants to hear. Unfortunately, they still have this delusion that they create their own reality. As George Orwell wrote, we human beings are capable of convincing ourselves of something that’s not true long after the accumulated evidence would convince any reasonable person that it’s wrong. And when leaders persist in that error, sooner or later they have a collision with reality, often on a battlefield. That, in essence, is exactly what happened in Iraq. But we have to keep that from happening with the climate crisis.” What can we do to convince this man to run for president in 2008?

The U.S. Supreme Court slapped President Bush soundly across his face on Thursday when they ruled plans by the administration to put Guantánamo prisoners of war on trial before military commissions was unauthorized by Federal statute and violated international law, including the Treatise of the Geneva Convention. The 5-to-3 majority shredded each of the administration’s arguments favoring military tribunals. The High Court found a principal flaw in the president’s position was the decision had been made without Congressional authorization. The Court’s majority opinion is the strongest evidence yet that the Constitution is alive and well after all. That banana republic King George wants to rule looks out of reach for now.

This entry was posted in Bush, Cheney, Democrats, Gay and Lesbian, Human Rights, Independents, Iraq war, News, Religious Nutcases, Republicans. Bookmark the permalink.

10 Responses to Saturday Review

  1. Increasingly I feel that Gore is our best hope to win in 2008. I know he has the gravitas to get elected and manage the awful mess left behind from 8 years of the Bush administration. But he says he won’t run and who can blame him? Gore is so very effective as a private citizen and he looks and sounds so comfortable. I think he said about the political process that it’s “toxic” and make you sick. That said, as the 2008 election season approaches I fully expect a massive Draft Gore effort to get on its feet. This time, we must prevail. The stakes are too high for another Republican gang to take over.

  2. Aloys says:

    The candidate for peace and who will bring peace is needed.

    In the middle east, blood has been spilled for oil and nothing more. We must be the instruments of peace. For our children. For the future.

  3. Joe in Colorado says:

    A publishing house paid Mary Cheney a million dollars for a book there was no market for and that ultimately sold fewer than 7,000 copies?

    There’s something seriously wrong with their business model. Research would’ve shown such a product could find a niche audience at best, but that still wouldn’t justify such an astronomical upfront payment to the author.

  4. Jon H says:

    Yes, but let’s not get to excited and mistake this SCOTUS decision for a “work with Congress” meme. This is the very same court that put Bush where he is today, against the wishes of thousands of voters who cast their ballot for the other guy. All of this shadows the fact that Bush will now be forced to go to Congress and get a rubberstamp for what he wanted all along: military tribunals. As long as the Congress says “Go for it, George,” he’s free to do whatever the hell he wants. And if history is any indicator of what will happen in the future, does anyone think this Congress won’t give him exactly what he wants? Including the Dems? Remember folks, it’s an election year.

  5. Jennifer says:

    While I can’t blame Gore for being reluctant after how he wastreated in his last bid for the Presidency, I do wish there was someway to make him see that his best hope for having the impact he would like to have on the environment, the health of this country is to run. He would win. He did it before, afterall, when he wasn’t nearly as popular as he is today.

  6. Christopher says:

    Joe in Colorado,

    The publisher isn’t out just the $1 million paid to Little Mary Sunshine, there’s the editors fee to Mary Matalin and advertising.

    No one can ever say American business is smart inking such a publishing deal.

  7. feminazi says:

    Certain Dems need to fly under the radar screen until November because when they open their cakeholes, controversy follows and I believe people are weary of controversy.

  8. tem tem says:

    The pro-Iraq war Dems need to jump off a cliff.

  9. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    Bush is a rotten son-of-a-bitch who doesn’t care a lick about the rule of law or the United States Constitution. MSM is making much of the fabricated “good” news (read: propaganda) having no positive effect on his poll numbers. George W. Bush is a war criminal and he belongs before The Hague and not in-front of the BBQ on a holiday weekend swiling down beer with one of his male “friends.”

  10. Lidgerwood says:

    I am inclined to think Al Gore will run, but won’t announce until the summer of 2008. He will just stay on the sidelines and let the huge pack of GOP-lite Dems make total and complete fools of themselves, and at the11th hour, step in to save the party, the country and the day.

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