Poll: Americans Disapprove of Iraq War

A poll taken Monday through Wednesday before news broke that U.S. forces had killed al-Zarqawi, found that 59 percent of adults say the United States made a mistake in going to war in Iraq. The highest level yet in AP-Ipsos polling.

Among other findings:

 More than half, 54 percent, said it's unlikely that a stable, democratic government will be established in Iraq, a new high in AP-Ipsos polling.

 Those most likely to believe the war in Iraq was a mistake are Democrats (84 percent), women (63 percent), especially suburban women (67 percent), minorities (76 percent), city dwellers (66 percent), self-described liberals (82 percent), moderates (64 percent), and Catholics (62 percent).

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1 Response to Poll: Americans Disapprove of Iraq War

  1. Harry says:

    Now that what-his-name was killed, I’m waiting for the poll that says Americans treasure the Iraq war. Sheeple are sheeple.

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