Why Democrats Lose

Robert Parry writes an interesting piece at Consortiumnews on why Democrats lose elections. Agree or disagree, but he makes several good points and frames his argument in this week's Busby-Bilbray race in San Diego's 50th District.

1. [a] huge conservative media advantage Republicans have created from years of investing in media outlets

2. [an] aggressive commitment to every aspect of the election machinery and a convincing message necessary to win

3. [the] Democrats have done all their careful polling and tested how to “frame” issues with focus groups, the overall impression left behind by their consultant-managed candidates is that these people don’t really believe in much of anything and inevitably they still get beaten up. By election day, the Democratic base is usually demoralized and the Republicans are energized

4. too much investment in the old Democratic consultant class and not the Internet and blogosphere

Howard Dean might want to sit up and pay attention here. Especially, since we seem to be stuck with him at the helm.

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7 Responses to Why Democrats Lose

  1. Harry says:

    Plus lousy candidates. Look ay Hillary Clinton. If she wins and goes up against McCain, she’ll lose. We’ll all lose.

  2. Jennifer says:

    I think it’s mostly 1 & 2. There’s another reason, I think, that may kind of fit into number 2, but sort of merits a separate mention. Democrats do not bring the same level of certitude that their opinions, and only their opinions can be right and have value. Republicans are all about black & white. They are right, you are wrong, period. That’s what makes them so judgemental, and I think it’s actually preferable to have reps who are willing to hear other viewpoints … but those arguments from those types of people do not come through as strong as the ones coming from the people convinced that they are speaking the one, true, undeniable truth.

  3. glo says:

    Oh no, I prefer to never look at Hillary Clinton,

  4. Manu says:

    I think number 3 makes the most sense from where I sit.

  5. panasit says:

    I see no deficit with the majority of candidates in the Democratic party.

    There are a small handful who are beholden to lobbyists but the same can be said about the other party too.

    If there’s a single complaint, I would say Democrats are too careful, too nice and in national politics you pay the price when the public sees you as weak. It may not be right, but it’s human nature.

  6. Randy Arroyo says:

    On the issues, Democrats beat Republicans hands down.

    But things get more murky when Democrats slip into that kumbaya mantality of reaching across the aisle. You would never see a conservative do that and neither should we.

  7. Barking Dog says:

    Democrats let themselves get defined by Republicans on a whole host of issues.

    If you’re pro-choice, then the wingnuts claim you advocate abortion on demand and support late term abortions. If you believe gays should be allowed to marry, then you’re an advocate for polygamy and so on and so forth.

    Don’t take the bait, Dems!

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