Laura Bush: the Stepford Wife Archetype


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Glassy-eyed, insipid, banal, and lethal. Laura Bush is all of these. She's also quite delusional. On Sunday, this peculiar creature opined that she does not believe recent opinion polls showing her husband's approval ratings at record low levels.

Denying the existence of gravity doesn't mean you can jump from a tall building and float like a feather to the ground below. But don't tell Laura Bush or she may jump.

Interviewed on the Bush-friendly, FOXNews (GOP-TV) network, the First Lady said:

"I don't really believe those polls. I travel around the country. I see people, I see their responses to my husband. I see their response to me. As I travel around the United States, I see a lot of appreciation for him. A lot of people come up to me and say, 'Stay the course'."

Perhaps Mrs. Bush's handlers made sure she didn't see the latest Harris Interactive Poll appearing Thursday night in the online edition of the Wall Street Journal that put her beloved husband's job approval at 29% – 1% higher than Richard Nixon's before he resigned.

It's a sad day when the Bush administration reaches such a level of desperation that they stoop to sending the wife of the president out to make inane remarks more characteristic of a Stepford Wife, than a college educated woman.

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8 Responses to Laura Bush: the Stepford Wife Archetype

  1. feminazi says:

    What a stupid bitch. Oh well. She chose a life of comfort over a life of integrity when she married into the Bush dynasty.

  2. Yessi says:

    Beware the Bush women.

  3. Thistle says:

    As always they drag this dumpy fat
    tub out to do what she always does
    LIE. Everytime this woman
    is shown with a group of children,
    she never ever touches a black child,
    (check the tapes) she is nothing but
    a clone of the mornon’s monster, Mommy.
    This is the same, “Let them eat cake”
    mode as her mother-in-law, who is so
    transparent in her need to want to play
    Queen. She is such a big as Liar as
    the moron she is married to…

  4. Christopher says:

    Pickles is getting some positive press this morning following reports that she’s against the radical, rightwing effort to amend the US Constitution to make gay marriage illegal in all 50 states.

    Six months ago, Pickles suggested that the majority of Americans were disturbed and troubled by the fight for gay marriage equity.

    Is this an example of her personal evolution? I think not.

    Remember folks, her husband is as popular as bird flu — she’s bound to say just about anything to make him more popular. In short, I don’t trust her.

  5. Harry says:

    Yeah, I trust Laura Bush the way I trust a rattle snake — NOT!

  6. tem tem says:

    LMAO! OMG! What a fright!

  7. Viper says:

    I expect next they’ll send Le Laura to London to lay roses on the grave
    of the late Princess Diana. Photo-op dejur.

  8. Pingback: Columba Bush Is No Hillary Clinton

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