Obama Skips Tornado-Ravaged South, but Heads West to Raise Money

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

This year is turning out to be an especially lethal one for tornadoes.

From Oklahoma to North Carolina, the destructive path of storms have marauded across six U.S. states, resulting in one of the worst disasters of any kind in the United States since the Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Scores were left injured or homeless and 45 people were killed – four times as many as died in the Deepwater Horizon Gulf oil rig explosion.

In response, President Obama has adopted the Barbara Bush approach, not wanting to waste his beautiful mind on such death and destruction, opting instead to fly west on a three day tour where he will try to boost his political standing by talking up his scheme to fix the deficit and of course, raise millions for himself and fellow Democrats.

Not only is Obama staying away from the region, he’s said almost nothing publicly about the tragedy beyond a brief interview with a North Carolina TV station and a very brief mention at a White House prayer breakfast. Let us pray.

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6 Responses to Obama Skips Tornado-Ravaged South, but Heads West to Raise Money

  1. DMason says:

    President Clinton got a lot of heat from Republicans for saying he felt people’s pain but Americans ate it up and we knew he meant it. Unlike George Bush flying over tornado ravaged New Orleans from Air Force One. Obama, for some reason, is following Bush’s path and he will live to regret it.

  2. retahyajyajav says:

    Why would Obama visit Arkansas or North Carolina when a visit to Facebook and a cash haul in the Silicon valley beckons?

    Politics first, people second.

  3. Marcus Ybanez says:

    Have you noticed that no one in these Townhall meetings ever ask Obama to address his torturing of Bradley Manning?

    I guess if anyone does ask, they’re hauled away and tortured too. We all know the media are a bunch of tools but why isn’t the American public awake and following this story? Obama’s treatment of Bradley manning is worthy of Vladimir Putin.

  4. Sayingwhatneedsaying says:

    This ‘Chimp’ is worse than the last ‘ chump’………..

  5. Randy Arroyo says:

    It’s more like a fundraising orgy with six stops in California. They’re advising drivers to avoid the area around LAX & the 405 tomorrow, as well as Sony Studios in Culver City because miles of roads will be shut down for his highness. About avoiding the tornado wrecked states in the south. Obama made a choice. All those po folks can’t help his reelection effort like people in LA and San Francisco can. Fuck him.

  6. OKJimm,

    I have removed your link.

    Not due to content but due to source. The site/blog you posted happens to be the only site/blog permanently banned on From the Left. If you can find another source, please feel to post it, as I would be interested in reading it.


    Christopher di Spirito

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