Sarah Palin Makes Shit Up and Gets Busted

Monday, September 8, 2008

John McCain and Sarah Palin sashayed through Missouri today and Palin got busted by the Associated Press for spewing lies about Barack Obama. Big, untruthful lies. In a rare act of journalistic integrity, the AP challenged Palin’s assertion that Obama had requested nearly $1 billion in earmarks for his home state of Illinois during his time as a U.S. senator.

According to Palin:

“Just the other day our opponent brought up earmarks, and frankly I was surprised that he would even raise the subject at all. I thought he wouldn’t want to go there.”

The problem for Palin is, Barack Obama hasn’t asked for any earmarks this year.

Last year, he asked for $311 million worth, or about $25 for every Illinois resident compared to earmarks Palin requested for Alaska totaling $198 million, or about $295 for every Alaska citizen. Palin’s earmarks are ten times more per capita than the earmarks Obama request last year.

While Palin has cut back on pork project requests, but under her administration, Alaska is still and by far the largest per-capita recipient of Federal pet-project spending.

Thank you, Associated Press, for exposing Sarah Palin for the lying sack of Caribou crap she truly is.

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20 Responses to Sarah Palin Makes Shit Up and Gets Busted

  1. Kurt says:

    Lying is an uncontrollable bodily function for neocons. Palin certainly is a good little water-carrier.
    Problem is, too many Americans are stupid, and believe this nonsense.

  2. Walk on Socks says:

    McCandy is in the big leagues now and not hangin’ with the igloo rednecks in Wasilla.

    Miss Thang had better get accustomed to getting her pretty little ass handed to her by veteran reporters not impressed with her MILF act.

    Oh and if her feminist supporters don’t like my calling her a MILF, they can suck it too.

  3. Rachel says:

    It’s a great bust and the sort of thing I would expect to read about here, or at DailyKOS, or at Arianna’s blog. I think it’s possible that at least in the case of the AP, being as old school as they come, the AP isn’t used to having the door slammed in their face and not getting “the interview” that helps sell papers. It’s a risky strategy McCain is taking and I think one that will ultimately backfire. Drill Baby is sloppy and she got her wings clipped today.

  4. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    }}}}}Thank you, Associated Press, for exposing Sarah Palin for the lying sack of Caribou crap she truly is.{{{{{

    Oh, yeah! 🙂

  5. rastamick61 says:

    Wow — AP busted her she really must have pissed somebody off. It’s about like we say here to get a Buffalo Cop to pull you over you pretty much have to use all the rounds in your cyllinder on them and if one of them upsets his coffee and only then you might have to talk your way out of a ticket.

  6. DMason says:

    I was glad to see Obama hammering McCandy on her flip-flopping on Ted Stevens’ “Bridge to Nowhere.” She was for it, before she was against it and Obama just unleashed. Biden can’t allow her to get away with this either.

  7. kellybelle says:

    Say it!!! I cdn’t believe every news organization in the world wasn’t on her Fannie/Freddie Mac blunder.

  8. Aunt Peg says:

    No one fact checks or truth checks or whatever the hell you call it these days.

    The cow from Juneau can flap her lips and the media just drools like they think she’s available to ask out for a date. It’s embarrassing.

    Thanks to the AP and than you, Christopher, for passing this on.

  9. rastamick61 says:

    oor Chris Matthews he even bought a new bottle of Drakkar Noir to smell good too…

  10. HelenWheels says:

    Great get, hilarious title, and OH BOY K.O. is going to go there after the commercial break about PRAY AWAY THE GAY!!

    And today started out so shitty…

  11. Maithri says:

    “Lying sack of caribou crap” LOL!!

  12. fran says:

    Palin wants to throw her hat in the ring then no shield from the media. Little Miss Book Ban is going to have to *cross that bridge* to be under intense media scrutiny.
    It’s about damned time!

  13. Sasha in MN says:

    I don’t know who I cringe at more, her or the idiots who inhales the shit she turns out.

  14. Randy Arroyo says:

    Maybe she’ll lie about her desire to erase the line that separates church and state? Pentecostals think this way, you know.

  15. Afrit007 says:

    The big question, of course, is will it stick? These people really have internalized the Goebbels principle. If you repeat a lie often enough, loudly enough and for long enough, eventually it will be accepted as truth.

    Or, as Aldous Huxley put it, 65,536 repetitions equals one truth.

    They clearly intend to ignore the facts and keep repeating the lies.

  16. this is the in we need – the fact this mooselini lies and lies and lies — and just keep calling her out on it for the next 60 days

  17. Jazzy says:

    I expect my president and leader of the free world to be smarter than me. It is obvious that Mrs. Palin can not perform simple mathematics and is unable to come up with additional talking points. America do you really want just an average Joe or Jane effing up our economy more.

  18. bruce says:

    sara palin is a fine american unlike most of you who would not know the truth if you tripped over it.the ap is a notorious bunch of liers and every thing they have ever said about mrs. palin has been a lie.but then you commie traitors have never been about truth just subversion.what you people need is a good tar and feathering then the rail out of town and country.

  19. stillhere4u says:

    According to, Palin’s lie about not quitting her job also involves misappropriating hunting language that really doesn’t apply. I agree. I wonder how many people will call her on it?

  20. Ryn says:

    – a common first name in wasilla.

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