A Lone Star is Born

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Democratic Mayor Julian Castro Delivers Keynote Speech at the DNC Convention

San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro is a rarity in Texas. A Democratic mayor in an overwhelmingly Republican state, Castro delivered a keynote speech at the DNC convention which immediately drew comparisons to Barack Obama’s “Audacity of Hope” speech in 2004 that helped to propel him to the U.S. Senate and later, the presidency.

San Antonio is the seventh most populous city in the U.S. and according to the 2010 census, 63.2% of of the population identifies as Hispanic. Castro was raised by a single mother and a grandmother both of whom immigrated from Mexico. His story is the same story of millions of immigrants in America. He stepped into the national spotlight Tuesday night and delivered a soaring speech that evoked the struggles of his Mexican immigrant family and how that family paved the way for his success.

Castro told the Democratic National Convention in a 20-minute speech:

“The American Dream is not a sprint, or even a marathon, but a relay. With the opportunity we build today for a shared prosperity tomorrow, America will prevail.

Like President Obama, Castro spoke of his humble beginnings and public assistance to achieve his dream: to be the mayor of San Antonio, the city of his birth.

Castro got a not-so-subtle diss in of Mitt Romney with aplomb:

“Mitt Romney simply doesn’t get it.  A few months ago, he visited a university in Ohio and gave the students there a little entrepreneurial advice. “Start a business,” he said, but how? Borrow money from your parents. Gee, why didn’t I think of that? I don’t think Governor Romney meant any harm. He just has no idea how good he has it.”

What we saw Tuesday night with Mayor Julian Castro is the birth of a Democratic star. His future is bright and yes, I believe this includes the White House.

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9 Responses to A Lone Star is Born

  1. Rachel says:

    Julian Castro’s speech was one of the best I’ve heard. He’s definitely a Democratic star.

  2. The Real Adam says:

    I agree with Rachel. Castro’s DNC Convention speech was tremendous.

    He’s young, 37-years old and very attractive. He’s Hispanic. Imagine a Hillary Clinton/Julian Castro 2016 ticket? The Republicans won’t know what hit them.

  3. Jim says:

    A star is born, indeed!

  4. TOM339 says:

    I’ll tell you the truth. Before last night, I had never heard of Julian Castro.

    He is attractive, well-educated, articulate, and an excellent speaker. I need to familiarize myself with his position(s) on a wider selection of issues before I become enthusiastic about him but, he is a breathe of fresh air in a stale red state.

    Maybe Julian Castro can help turn Texas blue? That would be wonderful.

  5. Harry says:


  6. Stephen Iversonn says:

    Julian Castro is an encouraging prospect the GOP’s iron-clad grip on Texas might be loosening.

    The mayor of Houston, the nation’s fourth largest city is a Democratic woman and a lesbian. Also, the mayor of Austin is a Democrat as well as the mayor of El Paso. Dallas almost had a Democratic mayor who barely lost to a Republican in a close run-off.

    If Texas can get rid of Sens. Hutchison and Cornyn, they will be on course for the 21st century.

  7. DMason says:

    TOM339 – With all due respect, a few Democratic mayors won’t change the fact Texas is a GOP cesspool, populated by God-crazy, queer-haters. The best hope for Texas is a nuclear bomb blow the damned place off the map and the U.S. give the ruins back to Mexico.

  8. Pechanga says:

    Julian Castro is smart, poised, and funny.

    I think he did a bang-up job delivering one of the keynote speeches on the opening night of the DNC convention. First Lady Michelle Obama rocked it and Newark Mayor Cory Booker was also great.

  9. ChiTOM says:

    I found Julian Castro to be very engaging. I was stunned a major city in Texas elected a liberal like him? Maybe one day be will be selected as a VP candidate or even president?

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