California Voters Want Obama to Stand-Up to Republicans

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

According to the newest USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll, California voters are tired of President Obama’s mindless efforts to compromise with Republicans and want Mr. Obama to stand up and fight.

The poll results are a cautionary tale for the president.

California is one of the few states where he enjoys high job approval numbers. If Mr. Obama keeps trying to “reach across the aisle” to Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the president risks California voters perceiving him as a milquetoast, unable to battle the increasingly rightwing Republican leadership.

Voters in the Golden State may very likely stay home in 2012.

Compromise or stand up to Republicans?

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9 Responses to California Voters Want Obama to Stand-Up to Republicans

  1. Rachel says:

    But asking Obama to fight is like asking a polio victim to run a marathon. Obama can’t fight because he lacks the gene you need to go into battle. I am convinced if Boehner asked to pop Malia’s hymen Obama would say, “Well, sure John. What time can I bring her over? Would Saturday at 11p.m. work for you?” Obama is the kid who had his lunch money stolen from him each day by the school bully and he never grew a spine. He’s still a little boy inside.

  2. Marcus Ybanez says:

    Rachel – We can always count on you to break it down. No matter how unsavory the image.

    You’ve hit the nail on the head. If Obama were a fighter, he would never have offered to cut Medicare and Social Security to appease John Boehner. In Obama’s psychologically screwed up head, making your enemies happy is the definition of doing a good job. I have this picture in my mind of Obama asking the Mrs. over dinner, “Why do people hate me?” He doesn’t make the connection.

  3. DMason says:

    I think California and Illinois are the only states where Obama enjoys a 50% job approval number.

  4. ajihani says:

    Speaking just for me but I don’t feel safe with Obama as president. I don’t get the sense he would protect us as a nation from an enemy invasion. I know such a thing is unlikely but I like going to sleep at night knowing the guard is at the gate. I don’t feel this way about Obama.

  5. Randy Arroyo says:

    This Californian is looking beyond Obama and perhaps to 2016. The choices are terrible and we need to do much better, if, the U.S. is going to survive. Hillary 2012? Fingers crossed.

  6. Robyn says:

    I’m likely to stay home in fourteen months. Why bother voting when the two candidates are someone who enables the Tea Party and the Tea Party backed candidate?

  7. JollyRoger says:

    Staying home is never an answer. People did that in 2010, and we got Pharaoh Walker, Czar Kashitch I, Shah Scott, and Sultan Snyder. And no one can claim that these guys didn’t make things a lot worse.

    There are always others besides the dem and Rushpubliscum candates for President.

  8. feminazi says:

    I can’t vote for Obama either. Rewarding incompetence isn’t in my character. I hear a lot of talk about voting Green but to be honest, I have no idea who this candidate is.

  9. Again, PLEASE ! … go to reXes Brand NEW WebsiTe ~ !

    Oboma *( Just like Adolf Hitler~~ In that oBOMA~~~ Demands ! — [ THE FINAL SOLUTION – for Un~Wanted Children.


    Barak Obama A MURDERER .~Torturing UNWANTED babys on DEATH ROE

    OBAMA supports TAKING a little NEW BORN innocent child.. / BORN. ALIVE ~ sTabing it iN the head & SUCKs ITS BRAINS OUT.

    He also demands, that a Child SURVIVING a FAILED ABORTION, Has no RIGHT to Life or medical care. ({ After being tortured in pain and agony }

    And JUST one more thing if you will allow//

    And no disrespect or distain is intended for the OFFICE of our GREAT PRESIDENCY

    and White House.

    Respect and honor and a great varity of reasons hold the United States

    Presidency in our Prayers and hopes for continued blessing and truthfull success.

    BUT the truth is STILL THE TRUTH .

    oBOMA does what he has to do~~~ just to get by.

    Feeding his donors and supporters Un merited fuel, is HIS only OBJECTIVE.

    this is HIS main OBJECTIVE.

    The only REASON things SEEM to get done, is because the people who SURROUND oBOMA, Drape the American Flag around him,

    IN PRETENCE )~ WHILE HE shoves it off of himself, in disheveled pride. and NUMB, Angered, ignorance.

    While, He HAS ADMITED, Boldly and sneeringly, ~ he has done plenty of COCAINE.

    Please, Use your head and tell us, BECAUSE we need and deserve to know…

    Why would we want a NUMB, cacK heaD in the White House. ! ~ ?

    oBOMA should have stayed *( WHERE HE WAS ) ~ in the DOPE house. !

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