Hot Navy SEALS

Monday, May 9, 2011

President Obama can order these guys to break into my house anytime.

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15 Responses to Hot Navy SEALS

  1. Rachel says:

    OMG! They’re dreamy. American men are the finest.

  2. Marcus Ybanez says:

    Porn Gods. Please, pleeeeeeeeeeeeease come break into my house! 🙂

  3. ajihani says:

    More please.

  4. okjimm says:

    aw, they would only be after your hard drive

  5. lea-lea says:

    Wow (jaw drops) 😉

  6. DMason says:

    Yowza! The blonde guy on the left in picture #2. Phew, look at his butt! You could bounce a quarter off it. I bet he can crush an empty been can with that ass and never break a sweat. What a wonderful photo montage to discover during my lunch break.

  7. stradella says:

    Lowdy, Lowdy, Lowdy! Those are some fine looking white boys.

  8. Pechanga says:

    And to think, these fellows were the last images Osama bin Laden every saw before he dropped dead.

    Not really fair somehow. At least they should have been forced to wear Dick Cheney masks.

  9. Randy Arroyo says:

    You sure these are Navy Seals and not Calvin Klein models?

  10. Brigadoon says:

    Obama can’t order them to break into your house because they’re all at my house!

  11. Debbie Banuelos says:

    Oh my! These beauties take my breath away!

  12. fran says:

    You realize these may be right wing assholes with a host of hateful prejudices?

  13. Tiny Dancer says:

    You don’t know that Fran, so STFU.

  14. Peace Nick says:

    Spectacular! 🙂

  15. Veronica says:

    Dios mio!! God bless America =)

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