Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Obama White Houses has constructed a wall around Elena Kagan’s family in the run-up to the Senate Judiciary Hearings. Traditionally, it’s the nominee who is made unavailable to the media in order to keep them from saying something that might jeopardize their confirmation but, blocking access to the nominee’s family is nothing short of extraordinary.

The New York Times reports how a cousin of Ms. Kagan, Gail Katz-James of Minneapolis, MN, was quoted in a profile in the paper the day after the president announced the nomination how she described the “verbal sparring” around the dinner table in the Kagans’ Upper West Side apartment, saying that the family “just really enjoyed debating and discussing everything.”

But two days after the article appeared, when contacted again by the same reporter from The Times, Ms. Katz-James said: “I’m sorry. I’m not able to talk to you.” She was asked if the White House had directed her not to talk to the press. “Nope,” she said, and hung up the phone.

What could the Obama White House be so worried about? Could questions about the sexual orientation of the nominee be top on their list of concerns? Speculation about the 50-year old, unmarried Kagan being a lesbian have fueled many blog pieces in recent days and a lesbian nominee to the High Court could be hard for conservatives in the Congress to vote to confirm.

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8 Responses to Want to Talk to Kagan’s Family? Permission Denied

  1. Walk on Socks says:

    My GOP radar is off the charts.

    Scarier than the revelation that Kagan is gay is the worry that her family could out her as a conservative.

    Imagine trying to clean up that type of mess with Obama’s base, or what is left of it.

  2. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Everyone knows if you’re a woman with a butch Betty hair bob who likes to play softball and golf, then you did carpet and not sausage.

    The White House can deny it but, when a member of Elena Kagan’s family confirms, there’s no putting the dyke back in the bottle.

  3. TOM339 says:

    So Obama wants gay Americans to think he’s their “fiercest advocate,” but, we can’t discuss Elena Kagan’s sexual orientation?

    I’m having a difficult time following his logic.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    If Mama Cass had a crew cut…….. 😉

  5. HalfGay says:

    This is all very bizarre

  6. ZarathustraMike says:

    What bothers me more than Kagan’s sexuality………….. is fucking Obama’s apparent turn to the right. This isn’t what I voted for, and if I had known in Nov. of ’08 what I know now, I never would have voted for this ”Republican” in sheep’s clothing!

  7. ZarathustraMike says:

    OBAMA = LIAR!!!!!

  8. HalfGay says:

    Ya know what is scary? If she is gay and in the closet, she could be very dangerous. She would be protecting herself from any speculation by being overly anti-gay.

    And another thing, I don’t remember this much speculation over Soto-Mayer

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