Teabaggers Call Members of Congress “Faggot” and “Nigger”

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Teabagger loons went postal Saturday, shouting homophobic and racist epithets at members of Congress on their way to see President Obama.

Members of the Congress reported being shocked by the behavior of the anti-healthcare reform protests.

NBC Washington reports:

A staffer for Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) told reporters that Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) was spat on by a protester.Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), a hero of the civil rights movement, was called a “nigger.” And Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) was called a “faggot,” as protesters shouted at him with deliberately lisp-y screams. Frank, approached in the halls after the president’s speech, shrugged off the incident.

Clyburn, however, was not so passé.

“It was absolutely shocking to me. Last Monday, this past Monday, I stayed home to meet on the campus of Claflin University where fifty years ago as of last Monday. I led the first demonstrations in South Carolina, the sit ins. And quite frankly I heard some things today I have not heard since that day. I heard people saying things that I have not heard since March 15, 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus.”

Folks, is the party of Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck. A group of fringe-dwellers reduced to hurling homophobic and racists slurs at members of the United State Congress who they happen to disagree.

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22 Responses to Teabaggers Call Members of Congress “Faggot” and “Nigger”

  1. feminazi says:

    Very offensive. The collective IQ of the entire crowd of these nitwits is less than the temperature in my living room which is 67 degrees. It’s a sad comment on our political discourse that people are reduced to this sort of name calling.

  2. HalfGay says:

    They seriously need Jesus. These are people who claim they are people of faith and yet they continue to act has people consumed by demons.

  3. libhomo says:

    Halfgay: Belief in Christianity is the closest thing there is to demons in the real world.

  4. Pechanga says:

    They don’t need Jesus, Half Guy.

    What they need is a good kick in the ass. People who spit on members of Congress and call them racist and homophobic epithets deserve a beating.

    I’m appalled though not surprised to see the Tea party act like animals. They’re sub-human.

  5. Brigadoon says:

    Healthcare reform will pass. The Republicans can scream and try any procedural measure to stop it and they will lose. The bill isn’t perfect but we can’t sit on our hands and do nothing. Once passed, there will be ample opportunity to add features to SB 3200 and fine tune it. If the Republicans keep it up, they will be defeated in 2010 and in 2012. Game on.

  6. retahyajyajav says:

    Expanding Medicare with eligibility beginning at 21 years of age was the best solution.

    Ending discriminatory insurance practices of denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions, dropping customers if they get sick, or charging them 4 to 5 times more for coverage, and allowing parent to keeps their kids on the plan until Medicare kicks in, were all ideas that made the most sense to me.

    There are good things in this bill. Anyone who says otherwise haven’t read the bill. I have and I hope it passes. Like Brigadoon said, it isn’t perfect but we can’t go on with the status quo and hope and pray the problem fixes itself. It won’t. We need to act now.

  7. Estacada says:


    This explains why they think Sarah Palin is Mary Magdalen.

  8. Bungy32 says:

    Oh Allie, your comment would be adorable if it weren’t so, well, offensive. There are multiple witnesses and, in the case of the spitting, an arrest report. Your attempt to play the preadolescent “oh yeah? Prove it!” card demonstrates both your level of maturity and the degree of desperation that using the epithets in the first place already revealed.

    But let’s imagine for half a second that the incidents (pulral!) are a lie. Now let’s try to figure out why such a “lie” would stick so well to these particular protesters. A collection of mostly (a conservative estimate: 99.9%) white folks who can’t agree on what their core message is except that Obama is both Hitler and Stalin (and probably the Antichrist) — oh yeah, and born in Kenya or one of those other dark, non-American places. Given how they’ve responded to people with Parkinsons or children with leukemia, is this sort of hatred exactly hard to imagine? Given their resounding support of Tancredo’s joking (or was it?) proposition that if there were a civics and literacy test required to vote in a national election, Obama would never have been elected, is this sort of hatred hard to imagine?

    Why is it always the overt liars who are first to charge others with lying? Why is it always the racists so fast to charge others with race-baiting?

    Oh right. Ignorance and bluster. As so clearly evidenced here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pilG7PCV448

  9. Allie,

    You’ve been banned.

  10. Matteo says:

    I missed the troll’s comments but for Christopher to ban anyone, it had to be a dozy. In any case, I found this on the Plum Line and wanted to pass it along. I don’t what’s wrong with these Tea Party kooks but they need psychiatric help.

    Rep Ciro Rodriguez Targeted With Ethnic Slurs


    Looks like black and gay lawmakers aren’t the only ones being pelted with vicious slurs by folks who oppose the health reform proposal. Add a Hispanic lawmaker to the list. Trifecta!

    Rep Ciro Rodriguez of Texas has confided to colleages that he was hammered by ethnic slurs by people opposed to reform passing, one of those colleagues tells me.

    Rep March Kaptur told me in the hallway today that Rodriguez privately told her he’d been called “some names” back in his district. She confirmed that they were ethnic slurs, but declined to elaborate.

    Separately, Kaptur said that Rep Phil Hare of Illinois had told her that someone had grabbed his jacket today, which suggests a threat of violence.

    This comes after we learned that protestors screamed the “N” word at John Lewis and the “F” word at Barney Frank. Emanuel Cleaver was even spat at. Now add Rodriguez to the list.

    Now look, admittedly, politics is a rough business. It’s not for the squeamish. But this stuff is way beyond the pale, and deserves serious condemnation from senior lawmakers in both parties.

    I’ve checked in with Rodriguez’s and Hare’s offices for more detail, and will keep you posted if I hear back.

  11. DMason says:

    The tea baggers are certifiable. I saw them in person last August and I was horrified. What makes people get like this? Were they crazy to begin with and Sarah Palin pushed them over the edge? I don’t know but to call members of Congress such vile names is un-American and they do not represent me.

  12. Woodcliffe says:

    Finally, the USA joins the rest of the industrialized community of civilized nations who would never leave millions of their citizens without healthcare coverage.

    This is a great day for America and for the American people.

  13. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Oh yippee! I hope this leads to a mass Republican suicide pack. They can all jump off an overpass onto I-90 at rush hour.

    Splat! Bang! Crush! ROFL!

  14. R.J. says:

    This is going to be a wonderful day when the bill passes in the House. My only fear is these nutballs are going to become even more unhinged in the coming weeks.

  15. HalfGay says:

    I was just saying they profess to follow Jesus but do not act like anything Jesus stood for …. it’s sort of ironic that they do this on a Sunday when they are supposed to be reflecting. More proof of their hypocrisy with religions … anyone notice how white all the protesters are?

  16. Jim says:

    That’s the Republican way. If they can’t win fairly they just shout and behave like the thugs they are.

  17. chlost says:

    In my local city, this type of behavior would have garnered arrests for ” fifth degree assault” or “disorderly conduct”. This goes beyond free speech and has crossed the line into threats against members of congress. Hate and stupidity are a potent mixture, especially when combined with zealotry.

  18. Fran says:

    The teabaggers got out of hand. If I were with any group & someone spoke & acted out in that way (spitting on a black congressman as well???)
    I’d be going public with officially denouncing the behavior & hateful intent.

    Did that happen??? Nope

    Silence is approval.

    And speaking of approval…. they passed the HCR bill!!!!!!!

    After such disgusting behavior, it makes the win all the more sweet.

    Can we officially write off the teabaggers as lunatic fringe?

    As they say @ the zoo– Don’t feed the animals.

    I’d be seeking heightened security in DC.

  19. Joe in Colorado says:

    Is this a great nation or what? Where else do people behave this way toward their elected officials just because they disagree with them? Mob mentality is a measure of intelligence or lack thereof. The crazies who make up the Teabaggers are not smart. They’re just crazy.

  20. Michael says:


  21. Jadd says:

    Sounds like a Nerdy white liberal plant trying to incite racial tension.

    Just like that professor Kerri Dunn

  22. Pras says:

    Yeah I agree, the whole teabag teaparty thing is such an OBVIOUS smoke screen.. I can’t believe you all fall for it time after time.. It’s called Spin, it’s designed to keep people from dealing with the real issues.. Very simple and easy to do if people are dumb enough to buy into it.

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