Miss Beverly Hills’ Crown is too Tight

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What is it with beauty queens and homophobia? Miss Beverly Hills 2010 is the latest crown holder to vomit Biblical objections to same-sex marriage. Lauren Ashley, who looks an awful lot like one of those dead-eyed adult movie actresses who spend the day on their back in a studio in Van Nuys, fucking for the camera, issued this stunning attack against gay people:

“The Bible says that marriage is between a man and a woman. In Leviticus it says, ‘If man lies with mankind as he would lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death and their blood shall be upon them.’ The Bible is pretty black and white.”

She goes on:

“I feel like God himself created mankind and he loves everyone, and he has the best for everyone. If he says that having sex with someone of your same gender is going to bring death upon you, that’s a pretty stern warning, and he knows more than we do about life.”

Ashley, Ashley, Ashley. What are we going to do with you? The Bible is chuck-full of bizarre and outrageous quotes. Here are a few for you to consider:

God places a dollar value on human life; with women worth less than men. Leviticus 27:3-7

Kill all the men and boys in the cities that God “delivers into your hands,” but keep the women for raping. Deuteronomy 20:13-15

Women that wear men’s clothing are an “abomination unto the Lord.” Deuteronomy 22:5

Moses wants us to rape! Numbers 31:7-18

“No wickedness comes anywhere near the wickedness of a woman. Sin began with a woman and thanks to her we all must die.” Ecclesiastics 25:19,24

My point is, if Miss Beverly Hills 2010 doesn’t like gay folks and is personally opposed to marriage equality, fine, she’s entitled to her opinion but don’t use the Bible to justify her homophobia.

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13 Responses to Miss Beverly Hills’ Crown is too Tight

  1. Pechanga says:

    Bigots always use the Bible to rationalize and to justify their hatred of a person or a group.

    This is one of the reasons my parents stopped going to Sunday church when I was a boy. They found most of the people to be shameless hypocrites and they didn’t want their children to go down the same path.

    Miss Beverly Hills is just another American moron.

  2. bradfrmphnx says:

    Religious freaks scare the bejeebus out of me.

  3. Rachel says:

    This little bitch is scary.

  4. PoliShifter says:

    What is she trying to do? Ride the Carrie Prejean gravy train? What’s next? A spot on the view? Being Sarah Palin’s new BFF? A book deal? What?

    More importantly, are there videos like Carrie has?

  5. Fran says:

    I googled “bad bible quotes” & there are tons of sites that talk about stuff in the bible that is clearly objectionable in general.

    The whole idea of being a beauty queen is pretty unbiblical in & of itself.

    She can take her crown & put it where the sun don’t shine.

  6. Dale L. Suyeishi says:

    I grew up near Beverly Hills in Cheviot Hills.

    The area isn’t exactly known as the Bible Belt of Los Angeles. I’m surprised to read this. But LA is a huge place and there are people from every walk of life.

    Even idiots like Lauren Ashley.

  7. JollyRoger says:

    Dammit…. beat me to it. But I still have a better graphic 🙂

  8. lea-lea says:

    Is Lauren Ashley Anita Bryant’s niece?

    Just wondering because she looks like a bottle blonde version of the for Orange Juice queen.

  9. R.J. says:

    And yet another generation of idiots walk the earth and use the Bible to defend their actions and thoughts.

  10. Scott Dancer says:

    If it’s any consolation, the city of Beverly Hills has formally denounced and disowned this religious gutter snipe.

    They want nothing to do with Lauren Ashley and her vile comments about gay and lesbian people.

    I think she would have a much more successful run if she moved to over the Grapevine to Bakersfield.

  11. It ain’t just fundie dudes that are self-loathers.

  12. libhomo says:

    Religion is the main oppressor of lgbt people. It always has been.

  13. playwrite27 says:

    A walking dumb blonde cliche, or just another narrow-minded, paranoid American?

    Bigoted, intellectually lazy, hypocritical Psuedo-Christians like this broad, are one of the things that drove me to thumbing my nose at so-called “Christianity” and becoming Agnostic.

    If I believed in him, I’d sell my soul to the devil, to get the hell out of America before it implodes.

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