Pope RatNAZI: I’ll visit but I don’t like your equality laws

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pope RatNAZI hit one out of the Vatican today telling Britain that he would grace their nation with a visit but that he doesn’t approve of the government’s plans to pass pro-gay legislation.

In an announcement from the Vatican, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church will tour Britain and called on his bishops to continue campaigning against the Equality Bill which he said threatened religious freedom — code for allowing the Catholic church to sanction discrimination against gays and lesbians.

In a letter to the Catholic bishops of England and Wales, many of whom are currently in Rome on an “ad limina” visit, Pope RatNAZI actually said the following:

“Your country is well known for its firm commitment to equality of opportunity for all members of society. In some respects it actually violates the natural law upon which the equality of all human beings is grounded and by which it is guaranteed.”

Huh? Equality violates natural law? Maybe this evil son-of-a-bitch needs to stop and think about how pedophile priests who sexually abuse little boys and girls is a violation of natural law?

Britain’s Equality Bill, which consolidates the past 40 years of equality legislation and aims to expand rules stopping employers from discriminating against gay employees because of their sexuality.

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15 Responses to Pope RatNAZI: I’ll visit but I don’t like your equality laws

  1. Rachel says:

    This is the most evil Pope I can recall. I wonder what happened to him to make him so hateful toward gay people? Maybe he’s a closet case? Anyone who wears that much Prada and insists on 12 year old boys to fetch his tea has got to have issues.

  2. Tiny Dancer says:

    He’s better be careful espousing such homophobic vitriol or he may find someone has a special surprise waiting for him.

    It’s 2010 and people have had enough of the Catholic church and all organized religion.

  3. Miss Sunshine says:

    I was recently visited by a Roman Catholic friend who, to my surprise, starting ranting about “the gay agenda” and accusing Planned Parenthood of distributing poor quality contraception in the hopes of increasing abortions thus bumping up profits.

    I don’t think Catholic leadership will ever be able to come to grips with sexuality. I think masturbation is still on the books as some kind of sin.

    I see their organization as becoming smaller and crazier as the years past.

  4. Jim says:

    This idiot violates the natural law of humanity. Stay away, please don’t visit any place but the Vatican.

  5. bradfrmphnx says:

    The Catholic Church – A disgrace and the biggest scam in human history as most religions are but especially Catholic Church. I would rather see a book about he Vatican business because that is their main focus.

    The Vatican has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, with the Hambros Bank, with the Credit Suisse in London and Zurich. In the United States it has large investments with the Morgan Bank, the Chase-Manhattan Bank, the First National Bank of New York, the Bankers Trust Company, and others. The Vatican has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Shell, General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, General Electric, International Business Machines, former T.W.A., etc. At a conservative estimate, these amount to more than 500 million dollars in the U.S.A. alone.

    The Vatican’s treasure of solid gold has been estimated by the United Nations World Magazine to amount to several billion dollars. A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland hold the rest. But this is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which in the U.S. alone, is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations of the country. When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth of the Catholic church becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.

    The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence. She is the largest possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state in the world. The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is consequently the richest individual of the twentieth century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.

    Sorry so windy everyone…thanks for letting me vent.

  6. Rock says:

    Someone should remind him his religion took their saints and lesser gods from the Celts.

  7. Conejo1982 says:

    In my neck of the woods, the number of Catholic church closings takes place each week. Fewer and fewer people over the age of 40 want anything to do with the Cult of Catholicism.

    They only have themselves to blame. This is a cult firmly stuck in the 10th century.

  8. JollyRoger says:

    Why doesn’t the asshole stay home, or go someplace where his views are welcome, like Georgia? (and I mean either the country or the redneck redoubt when I say that)

  9. VicoDANIEL says:

    Britain is in the midst of a recession thanks to the global downturn and Poodle Blair committing huge numbers of troops and resources to Iraq, further hemorrhaging the British treasury.

    The current regime still hasn’t completely removed British troops from Iraq, costing the country millions each month.

    If this Catholic monster insists on forcing his creepy ass on the British people, I certainly hope the Vatican provides and funds his security detail because the UK can’t do it.

    Not in these times.


  10. Scott Dancer says:

    Perhaps, this Pope and the Roman Catholic Church could learn something from the 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations when it proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 2 which reads:

    Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.


  11. feminazi says:

    Scott – I had never read this before. Thanks for the post and the link. These words were never more relevant than today when discrimination remains prevalent in many countries throughout the world and minorities are oppressed daily, forcing them to fight for their rights and for equality. As for this Pope, well, I have nothing good to say about him. Each time the Catholics make a change at the top, it just gets worse.

  12. Harry says:

    The Master Plan for the Roman Catholic Church includes expansion into Africa and Asia. It looks like their numbers will continue to shrink in Europe and the USA.

  13. okjimm says:

    “…..his religion took their saints and lesser gods from the Celts.”

    I’m a little confused by what Rock said…. ya mean the Celtics have different gods than the Lakers? I mean does each team have their own gods? oops, never mind…dyslexia again.

  14. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    Yeah, the Lakers worship the God of Big Tits.

  15. libhomo says:

    I love the Emperor Palpatine graphic.

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