40 State Unemployment Funds Going ‘absolutely broke’ in Two Years

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The recession and the jobless recovery is taking its toll on unemployment fund faster than Federal projections. 40 state programs will go broke within two years and need $90 billion in loans from Washington to keep issuing the benefit checks.

The shortfalls are putting pressure on governments to either raise taxes or shrink the aid payments.

Currently, 25 states have run out of unemployment money and have borrowed $24 billion from the federal government to cover the gaps. By 2011, according to Department of Labor estimates, 40 state funds will have been emptied by the jobless tsunami.

All the more reason someone needs to glue President Obama’s butt to the chair in the Oval Office so he can’t leave the country in 2010 to attend a meeting in Europe or accept an award, thus forcing him to deal with the number one domestic problem facing the U.S.: jobs.

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3 Responses to 40 State Unemployment Funds Going ‘absolutely broke’ in Two Years

  1. Walk on Socks says:

    I love the image of giving Obama a tube of glue to attach him to his captain’s chair in the Oval Office so he has to deal with jobs.

    If jobs aren’t created very soon, I predict the patience of the American people will be spent and the voters will punish the Democrats in 2010.

    A jobless recovery isn’t a recovery. Sorry, but I’m not buying it.

  2. Oh, relax. Goldman Sachs has a fancy new tower to play in, so the economy is just fine.

  3. libhomo says:

    I’m glad people are calling attention to this now, while there is still time to do something about it.

    One thing that would create jobs and perk up the economy big time would be a massive public transportation expansion.

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