Self-Loathing Queers Personified

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It’s a sad day for the LGBT community when a group of conservative queers saddle up with CPAC. It’s well documented how victims of Stockholm Syndrome are known to do strange things in order to survive captivity but this is patently ridiculous.

GOProud, a conservatives gay group cheerily announced they are a cosponsor of CPAC 2010. Jimmy LaSalvia, GOProud’s Executive Director says:

“GOProud is thrilled to be a cosponsor of the single most important conservative gathering in the country.”

The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) will take place February 18-20 in Washington, DC.

LaSalvia continues:

“GOProud’s participation at CPAC is one of the most important things we will do all year! This gathering of the nation’s most influential conservatives gives us an incredible opportunity to deliver our message. GOProud looks forward to continuing to work with the conservative movement to promote policies that will improve the lives of all Americans – including gays and lesbians.”

Apparently, Jimmy LaSalvia is so “thrilled” to be dining in the Big House that he’s chosen to ignore the identities of several of the cosponsoring groups of this rightwing shindig. They include the viciously antigay Concerned Women for America, Focus on the Family, the Alliance Defense Fund, the National Organization for Marriage and the Eagle Forum.

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12 Responses to Self-Loathing Queers Personified

  1. feminazi says:

    I think you hit the nail on the head. Gay conservatives are suffering with a type of Stockholm Syndrome. I have met self-hating Jews in my lifetime. Jews who think Antisemitic humor is funny. Conservative Jews are among the worst. They are usually homophobic and have a history of revering Reagan and the Bush clan.

  2. Rock says:

    I almost want to say I can’t believe people like this exist but sometimes people will put some values over others even if such behavior is the equivalent of self-mutilation.

    If these people love their conservative vales enough to exist as second-class citizens under the GOP big top along with Blacks and Latinos then that’s their problem. It’s not like we didn’t warn them.

  3. Brigadoon says:

    If this were 1942, these would be the same gays who flipped the switch to light the oven Hitler’s goons used to burn alive gays and lesbians in the death camps in Poland and Germany. Line ’em up and drop them with a spray of machine gun fire. They don’t deserve to walk among us.

  4. JollyRoger says:

    Right wingers of all stripes suffer more from “battered wife syndrome” then “stockholm syndrome.”

    They take a beating, and keep on bleating.

  5. bradfrmphnx says:

    There’s always a bad apple in the bunch, Rightwingnuts not being excluded, are especially unsavory and always leave a bad taste.

  6. Jim says:

    How exciting for all gays! Jimmy LaSilva likes exclamation points!!!! How could evil anti-gay forces not be a good thing for all of us!!!
    What a moron.

  7. TOM339 says:

    I’ve lived long enough to know there are things in life that are beyond my comprehension.

    These clowns are clueless.

  8. burpster says:

    I don’t find this at all suprizing, the teabaggers spring to mind almost immediatly. People that will forsake their own well-being in favour of other interests.

    To my mind it’s batshit insane, but apparently not theirs.

  9. libhomo says:

    I think it is important to realize that us queers are brainwashed almost from birth to be heterosexists. It explains a lot.

  10. Greg North says:

    I went out on a date with a guy who turned out to be a conservative.

    Initially, I had no indication he was a rightie. He was educated, gorgeous, well read and enjoyed travel, cooking and the arts. He didn’t smoke, take drugs or drank alcohol. He seemed perfect.

    But during the course of our date, his political views emerged and I realized there was no future for us. I just sat and listened to him orate about the evils of liberalism, Bill Clinton and many in the Democratic party.

    Needless to say, I never saw him again.

  11. More likely Jimmy LaSalvia realizes that with all the republican closet cases at CPAC 2010 he just might get laid.

  12. libhomo says:

    Pissed: You make CPAC sound like an “ex gay” convention.

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