President Obama Gets Punked

Saturday, November 28, 2009

President Obama came face-to-face with the Virginia couple who crashed this week’s state dinner at the White House and all the Secret Service can muster is “We’re deeply concerned and embarrassed” by the breach of security.

The couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, lacking a White House invitation to the event, breezed passed two security check points, as well as the president’s bodyguards to enter what is allegedly the most secure building in the world, are wannabe reality TV stars trying to secure a spot on BravoTV’s The Real Housewives of Washington DC.

In a picture released by the White House Friday, Michaele Salahi, a former Redskins cheerleader, is shown clasping President Obama’s hand as he greets guests Tuesday evening in the receiving line in the Blue Room. Her husband, Tareq, is shown looking on. In the same photo, to Mr. Obama’s left, the turban belonging to Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh can be seen.

Pictures posted on Michaele Salahi’s Facebook page showed the couple standing next to a smiling Vice President Joe Biden and White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.

Remarkably, at no point during the party was the breach discovered. When they left, it was on their own, officials said. Although the couple went through a metal detector, this alone is not sufficient to protect the president from a determined terrorist who smuggled in a biological weapon(s) or who grabbed a knife or fork to inflict harm.

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18 Responses to President Obama Gets Punked

  1. VicoDANIEL says:

    I suppose I see this lapse of security judgment as having potential international implications.

    Just imagine if this couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, happened to be very well compensated agents of Pakistan and were sent to kill Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh?

    Such a scenario could result in a war — possibly a nuclear war between India and Pakistan over the disputed Kashmir region.

    Wars have erupted over far less important issues as a disputed piece of real estate.

  2. Big Hank says:

    You’re 100% correct, Daniel.

    I hadn’t thought of it in these terms. The couple just looked like social climbing clowns to me but there are serious implications here that no one should laugh at.

  3. libhomo says:

    This raises questions to me about the loyalty of the secret service.

  4. woyoyo says:

    This would’ve never happened to George W. Bush, Poppy Bush or Reagan. The couple wouldn’t have cleared the first security check point. Someone wants harm to come to Barack Obama and they’re on the inside.

  5. bradfrmphnx says:

    Heads will roll over this one. I wonder if this couple will be brought up on some kind of charges? While they exposed a weakness in the white house security system, I have to wonder what the heck they were trying to accomplish, and if they looked past the obvious…that the white house probably wouldn’t appreciate what they did.

    They better hope there isn’t a blemish on their tax records.

  6. Estacada says:

    If Bravo TV is behind this stunt, they had better have some seriously deep pockets because if the Feds want to go after them, they can pursue Bravo until they are bankrupt.

    Can’t wait to see how this plays out.

  7. Rock says:

    This is disturbing. What if something happened to both Obama and Biden while both of them were in the same place? President Pelosi, anyone?

    I hope heads roll over this. Not just for the wannabe reality TV stars but those responsible for letting them into the party.

  8. Abby Peripatetic says:

    I have two words for this: Homeland Insecurity.

    And yes, heads should roll.

  9. MacDaddy says:

    This incident has serious implications for White House security. Some people will be questioned over and over, some will be transferred, and some will be fired.

    This incident comes just a few months after a report revealed that the security department is under-funded and “under-manned.” It also revealed that President Obama receives 14 deaths threats and, due to shortage of human resources, have difficulty following up on the leads to deal with these threats.

    So this is a very serious. Our president’s life is at stake.

  10. Brigadoon says:

    I have huge cajones but I would no more try to enter the White House and get close to President Obama if I wasn’t an invited guest that I would fly to the moon without oxygen. As an American, I am furious with the hapless Secret Service and their litany of screw ups.

  11. lea-lea says:

    I would love an invitation to go to a White House state dinner and meet the Obamas.

    Of course, I’m not famous or rich or important, so I doubt I will ever be so lucky. It’s like flying First Class.

    I usually fly Southwest and muck in with the great unwashed throngs when I travel.

  12. Fran says:

    Local bars have better bouncers!
    How hard can it be to match a name to a list of approved names w photo/proper ID?

    This time it was just some nut cases hungry for publicity…. they lucked out.

    Time to clean house– the White House security.

    Hell, even Santa makes a list & checks it twice.

  13. HalfGay says:

    Wonder what will happen to the Housewife hopeful? One does have to wonder how much the Secret Service is really protecting our President if this can happen.

  14. Mets Fan says:

    This story is bizarre. What the hell is up with the morons running the Secret Service?

    And, where were Obama’s bodyguards? Were they dazzled by this babe who is a former cheerleader?

    I’m telling you, this shizz needs to stop.

  15. trish says:

    It really makes you wonder how they breezed past security. It seems like there should be more security clearance than having to walk through a metal detector. :/

    By the way, I’m working on a virtual book tour I thought you might be interested in. The book is for Government Girl, about an aide during the Clinton Administration. Email me if you’re interested in more info! 🙂

  16. JollyRoger says:

    Unbelievable. I wonder if anyone ever told the Secret Service about Franz Ferdinand?

    I’m with libhomo; the Secret Service should be examined, with a microscope.

  17. Tengrain says:

    Lookit, for many years Chimpy’s Whitehouse allowed a man using a fake name into the west wing, gave him access to the entire apperatus, and let him speak directly to Li’l Boots himself: Jimmy-Jeff Gannon-Guckart.



  18. feminazi says:

    I heard about this over the Thanksgiving holiday and I was stunned. Imagine how close this couple got to the most powerful people on earth and no one paid them a second of attention? Heads need to roll but my guess is, nothing will happen.

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