Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by 2012?

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs sat down with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd yesterday for a 3 minute and 42 second exchange focusing on two topics: the closing of GITMO and the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’

In case you’re running late, I’ll save you the trouble.

TODD: And when he [Obama] runs for reelection, this [repeal of DADT] will be a promise he will have kept?

GIBB: I think that is the case, yes.

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12 Responses to Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell by 2012?

  1. Joaquin says:

    There is an awful lot of passing the buck from this administration in LGBT issues.

    I appreciate punting the matter of a repeal back to Congress to get a bill before the president to sign but at the sametime, did any member of the 76 members of Congress who lent their names on their letter to Mr. Obama get a bill through committee? Unless I missed it, I haven’t seen one.

  2. bradfrmphnx says:

    Obama addressed the issue in a speech yesterday. I only saw a little of it this morning. He acknowledged that he knows about the frustration, that Washington moves slow, and that he is “working” on it. Joaquin makes a good point about getting the bills to committee. We shouldn’t just be pressuring Obama on this, but all our representatives.

  3. feminazi says:

    Joaquin! Where have you been lately? It’s good to see you posting again. As usual, more excellent point from you. This congress has been especially lame in my opinion. Obama can’t do everything and one of the jobs of the Speaker is to corral her party members around an issue. The problem is, the Speaker doesn’t command an iota of respect on Capitol Hill. Hence the problem of the Blue Dog Democrats.

  4. Walk on Socks says:

    The Congress is out on summer vacation now.

    Judiciary will hold hearings into Sonia Sotomayor and that’s about it.

    Don’t look for any bill until the fall or next year. This will give the timid DINOs a chance to “listen” to their constituents and maybe even poll the issue.

    I’m really tired of the Democrats.

  5. Mauigirl says:

    Maybe he should get Rahm Emmanuel to start rounding up the congress members and move this along. I thought he was supposed to be good at that stuff. We also need to be writing our own representatives if we aren’t already, and urge them to bring a bill to the floor. The pressure has to be from all sides.

  6. Like album release dates, I’ll believe it when I see it.

  7. Harry says:

    Obama is Bill Clinton with a tan.

  8. Obama can lead. He chooses not to. Just like I’m going to choose to vote third party in 2012. Because the lesser of two evils isn’t acceptable any more. And good luck to that milquetoast Harry Reid. You have your 60 senators. No more fucking excuses.

  9. I’m with Brad. Dude, you are a breath of fresh air in this otherwise frantic debate.

  10. Randy Arroyo says:

    This is such a winner for the president. Only the most far, radical, rightwing, lunatics say gays and lesbians shouldn’t be allowed to serve only in the military. Obama Inc., isn’t going to change their minds anymore than he will change the minds of the lunatics who still say Obama wasn’t born in the USA so he’s ineligible to be president.

  11. notice the use of the word ‘think’

    they are stalling – period, Obama could exec decision this away for the time being

    rahm keeps whispering 2012

  12. Anibal Mehr says:

    Nice post! You truly have a wonderful way of writing which I find captivating! I will definitely be bookmarking you and returning to your blog. In fact, your post reminded me about a strange thing that happened to me the other day. I’ll tell you about that later…

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