HRC Losing Cash Donors Because of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Strategy

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


It looks like LGBT supporters of the Human Rights Campaign have reached bowel tolerance with Joe Solmonese’s failed leadership and it has started to seriously impact their donations.

According to a stunning letter to the Human Rights Campaign and obtained by Queerty, a high profile donor to the HRC reveals he’s withdrawing his financial support for one reason: HRC’s misguided strategy on letting elected officials off the hook on “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” to push through other legislation.

The letter’s author is among HRC’s Federal Club, which requires annual donations of $1,200 to $4,999. Ouch!

Previous accusations claimed the HRC’s Joe Solmonese was advising the White House and senior Democratic legislators to take a laid-back approach to repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Now, irrefutable evidence proves the HRC is throwing gay and lesbian military personnel under the Obama bus.

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7 Responses to HRC Losing Cash Donors Because of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” Strategy

  1. Brigadoon says:

    I’ve said a thousand times, the HRC is concerned with access and not activism. Access is fine but if you don’t get your agenda pushed to the top, then you might as well stay home and watch Oprah.

  2. Ken says:

    I have been skeptical of HRC ever since they backed the idea of dividing the LGBT community over transgender individuals. Either we as a community stand together and move forward or we keep fighting, but we don’t leave any one group behind. As for DADT and DOMA, again HRC needs to step out aggressively on these issues or risk losing more support from the community. Now is our time.

  3. rckweho1981 says:

    I never fathomed why the HRC would alienate so many people with their treatment of the trans community? What was the gain?

    The current leadership of Joe Solomnese is pathetic at best. He lights up and sparkles in the presence of powerful Washington DC players which translates into someone too easily kowtowed by power to push and agitate, which is how you get things done in politics.

  4. I stopped giving them money years ago. What has the HRC done except run a store selling t-shirts and caps every summer in P-Town? And I’m tired of these self-proclaimed “gay leaders.” Who the fuck elected Joe Solomnese to anything? It’s welfare for self-important queers. No. More. Money. For the DNC, any democratic organization, HRC and any other sellouts. Now the question is which gay organizations are deserving of money?

  5. MacDaddy says:

    i’m glad they’re losing money. Maybe that’s what it takes. I think Obama is putting everything on healthcare before dealing with a “cultural issue.” But at the very least he should suspend the process of throwing out gays. The last time I checked 267 had been thrown out since his inauguration…Obama has all the gay staff members. He needs to stop listening to Eric Holder and start listening more closely to them.

  6. libhomo says:

    The HRC doesn’t care about any queer issues. All they care about is having big money fundraisers, and most of their big donors care about their own class interests than they do about the rest of us queers.

  7. They are not getting another dime from me until they can prove that they are willing to take a stand with the DNC and our current administration. How can they do this? Stop pandering to the White House and offering the President cover over LGBT issues.

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