Do You Think the Queen is Pleased?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama arrived in London on Wednesday and enjoyed a private meeting with Queen Elizabeth II at her Buckingham Palace residence.  As usual, the Obamas looked sensational.


What a stark contrast to the appalling freakshow Queen Elizabeth II had to endure only a few short years ago when she traveled to Washington, DC and met with the previous occupants of the White House.


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15 Responses to Do You Think the Queen is Pleased?

  1. Dmitris says:

    Ouch! Well, I can’t speak for Her Majesty but if I were a betting man, I think she is very pleased to be able to have an intelligent conservation with the leader of the free world.

  2. Rachel says:

    ROFLMAO! Love this! To answer your question, I think Queen Elizabeth looks delighted to entertain the new American president and his stylish wife. I mean, come on, poor Laura Bush always looked liek something from Hee Haw!

  3. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    I don’t know the first thing about fashion but Michelle Obama looks like a princess compared Laura Bush.

    What the hell is Laura wearing around her neck? It looks like a toilet seat.

  4. Maithri says:

    HAHAHAHA! Love it!

  5. Mauigirl says:

    I’m sure she is relieved beyond words that that idiot is gone and she can have a visit from the Obamas instead!

  6. punditpawn says:

    Wow. What a classy place. Surprised Michelle didn’t bring a sleeveless number for the queen like she forces us to endure in the states. Uggh.

  7. Conejo1982 says:

    Michelle Obama is lovely. Poised, graceful and she wears her clothes — they don’t wear her.

    She’s young, fun and very classy. A wonderful change from that fat-assed Laura Bush, who looks more like the Joker from Batman, than a biological woman.

  8. punditpawn says:

    Laura is fat-assed? Michelle could use a wide-load sign of her own, and considering how much she works out those arms flailing at Capitalism that she despises, I would expect her to be skinnier at her age.

  9. Conejo1982 says:

    Yes, punditdawn, Pickles is a fat-ass and she looks like the Joker from Batman.

    But hey, it doesn’t bother Bush because everyone knows Pickles was always a carefully selected beard to hide George’s true nature. How would it had played in those Dallas Country Club circles if they knew George was known as “Lips Bush” whilst at Yale? He was the Belle of his fraternity.

  10. feminazi says:

    The French media, particularly in Paris and always self-absorbed when it comes to haute couture, as gone ga ga over Michelle Obama wearing Jason Wu, said to be her favorite American designer. I must say, being 5’10” and young and slim, Michelle is a designer’s dream. Michelle is definitely a step up in the style department over Laura Bush, who often looked like she had raided her grandmother’s closet.

  11. libhomo says:

    I don’t care what the queen of England thinks. Monarchies are what we fought the American revolution to avoid. American presidents should refuse to have anything to do with monarchs.

  12. JollyRoger says:

    Now now….. Pickles was lucky that she could even get her clothes on, since there were no fewer than 3 of her in the mirror…

  13. Hadrian says:

    I suppose it’s a tradition for the U.S. president to meet the Monarchy.

    Of course, I don’t know what is in Queen Elizabeth’s mind but I have to believe she enjoyed being able to have an intelligent conversation with President Obama. I doubt this was the case when she met Bush.

  14. Teen LaQueeffa says:

    It’s like an episode of ‘Little People, Big World.’

  15. lea-lea says:

    Teen LaQueeffa, LMAO!

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