Obama Set to Nominate Hillary for Secretary of State Monday

Sunday, November 30, 2008


President-elect Barack Obama is set to nominate at least three key members of his national security team at a media event in Chicago on Monday. One of those positions includes Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State, according to two highly placed Democratic officials.

As a part of the Clinton appointment, former president Bill Clinton has agreed to disclose publicly the names of all 208,000 individuals and organizations that have given money to his foundation and library since since 1997.

Until now, Bill Clinton had refused to reveal his contributors. Among those whose identities have become known over the years are the Saudi royal family, the king of Morocco, a foundation linked to the United Arab Emirates, the governments of Kuwait and Qatar and a tycoon who is the son-in-law of Ukraine’s former authoritarian president.

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13 Responses to Obama Set to Nominate Hillary for Secretary of State Monday

  1. feminazi says:

    Hillary is such a neocon that Obama is going to need to keep her on a short leash or she could undermine his commitment to expanding the role of the USA as a force for positive diplomacy and human rights.

  2. Ulysses Washed Ashore says:

    I bet Bill is doing cartwheels with joy knowing the wife will be out of the country 50% of the time.

    You know I would if I were married to her.

  3. VicoDANIEL says:

    Sources close to Hillary said she was disappointed with her role in the senate and after running for president, she saw returning to the Congress as an insult — it was beneath her omnipotence.

    So, I am not surprised Obama was bulldozed into selecting her for Secretary of State. He’s a nice guy and I am convinced he didn’t see this coming when he turned on the TV and saw the “leak” of her consideration for the job reported by the media.

    Secretary of State is a very important cabinet position and Hillary has proven she lacks the needed judgment to navigate critical international relations. Her world view is narrow and informed by neoconservative ideology. She’s a warmonger who embraces the Bush Doctrine of pre-emptive use of military force.

    I think Hillary is a dangerous choice for the job of Secretary of State. Remember, she supported labeling a part of the Iranian Guard as a “terrorist organization,” which laid the groundwork for Bush to use military force against Tehran. This isn’t me dissing Hillary — this was confirmed by none other than Sen. Jim Webb of Virgina.

    Gov. Bill Richardson is a far superior choice for the job but unfortunately for the American people and the world, Obama by-passed Richardson for Hillary, or more precisely, Obama let himself be “played” by the Clintons into appointing her to the job.


  4. Fran says:

    I have mixed feelings about this, but it takes her out of the Senate.
    I think I am still just glad Palin is not at the helm.

  5. Walk on Socks says:

    I agree with VicoDaniel.

    Hillary is a big lapse in judgment and I think Obama will soon regret letting himself get backed into a corner by the Hillbots.

    If you compare and contrast the CVs of both Hillary and Gov. Richardson, Hillary quickly shrinks to irrelevant. Richardson has the experience and the contacts around the globe to help Obama achieve his foreign policy agenda.

  6. retahyajyajav says:

    The PUMA loons are celebrating. Check their websites if you don’t believe me. This should be enough proof that the decision to give Hillary the job is a HUGE mistake.

  7. Adirondacky says:

    I don’t question Hillary Clinton’s intelligence. She’s obviously a smart woman, a lawyer and informed on the issues of the day. My problem with her is her rightwing-leaning worldview. For example, she voted for Bush’s Iraq war. The conflict has resulted in the deaths of as many as 250,000 innocent Iraqi children. She supported Israel’s recent attack on Lebanon that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of innocent Lebanese children. Yet, she ran on a platform for president that alleged her commitment to children’s issues. How can you claim you’re child-centric while you embrace the murder of innocent children? At the end of the day, I think Hillary is a hypocrite.

  8. Jeffrey says:

    I wonder what Hillary will say about the following:
    To what extent, the tragedy in Bombay (Mumbai) represents a devastating setback, both to Pakistani/Indian relations and to the wider war on terror?
    Barack Obama had hoped to persuaded Pakistan to concentrate its gaze to the west, on Afghanistan, rather than east, on Kashmir. Would he instead, may find that he – and his allies – might wage a war on two fronts.

    Many thanks


    Jeffrey Lockman

  9. R.J. says:

    Don’t sweat it too much. If she falls flat on her face, Obama can fire her and we can use her “work experience” against her when she runs against him in ’12.

  10. Dick Small says:

    Well, all I have to say is thank goodness she survived all that sniper fire when she visited that poet girl in Bosnia.

  11. TOM339 says:

    Hillary as Secretary of State has Bill’s fingerwork all over it.

    He just can’t kick the Executive Power/White House addiction he acquired following 8 years as president.

    With all their money, I don’t know why he just doesn’t commission the construction of a mini White House in the backyard of their Chappaqua property. Bill could even create an Oval Office where his hired Hooter broads can blow him.

    Ah, the good old days for the Clenis.

  12. Conejo1982 says:

    If the PUMAs are cheering the nomination of Hillary Clinton for SoS, then this should send up a red flag and suggest there’s a problem.

    From everything I have read, people inside Team Obama are not happy with her selection and for good reason.

    Lady Hillary isn’t known for being a team player. She’s a one, woman operetta and just like her husband, drama trails her like flies to trail a pile of dog shit.

    I think Obama will rue the day he selected her.

  13. Aunt Peg says:

    Great picture! Hahaha!

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