Arkansas Earthquakes Could Be a Warning of Something Bigger to Come

Saturday, November 29, 2008

I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. I spent my early professional life living in Southern California. For me, earthquakes, although not pleasant, are a part of life. You learn to live with the earth shaking and moving beneath your feet.

However, Arkansas, is not a place usually associated with seismic activity.

A series of small earthquakes that rattled central Arkansas in recent weeks could be a sign of something much bigger to come. Five earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 2.2 to 2.7 have hit central Arkansas this month.

Arkansas quakes generally occur in the state’s northeast corner, part of the New Madrid Seismic Zone, where three temblors with magnitudes of around 8 struck during the winter of 1812 and smaller ones continue today. But central Arkansas does not have any seismic history.

However, if the earthquakes are caused by a previously unknown fault, that could mean a much more powerful temblor in the future. A recently discovered fault in eastern Arkansas near Marianna caused an earthquake with a magnitude of between 7.2 and 7.5 in the past 5,000 years, according to Al-Shukri, the director of the Arkansas Earthquake Center at the University of Arkansas.

This enormous fault could cause widespread, catostrophic damage.

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18 Responses to Arkansas Earthquakes Could Be a Warning of Something Bigger to Come

  1. Big Hank says:

    Those Hillbilly trailers will be slippin’ and slidin’ if the “Big One” hits Little Rock.

  2. TOM339 says:

    I thought Arkansas is in the middle of the Bible Belt?

    You mean these conservative wingnuts aren’t going to receive a pass from Mother Nature for all those hours spent praying?

  3. Mauigirl says:

    It certainly is a possibility. Wasn’t one of the worst earthquakes the U.S. ever had in Missouri back in the early 1800s?

    They say even NYC could have an earthquake. Can you imagine the devastation THAT would cause?

  4. Fran says:

    Always something!
    Oregon has plates that will do a vertical drop rather than the Calif. side by side tremblors…..
    there are always earthquakes happening out in the ocean, but someday the plates will do the drop & they say it would be big time damage.

    I carried earthquake ins for 15 years, then Allstate just send a memo saying, by the way we don’t do earthquake ins anymore. Have a nice day.

    Unsettling at best. Bastards.

  5. Estacada says:

    Wasn’t it the Madrid event of 1812 that shook Missouri and caused the Mississippi River to flow backward?

    The immense power of the natural sciences can reduce humanity to frightened cave people.

    Definitely worth keeping an eye on this one.

  6. Estacada says:

    Wasn’t it the Madrid event of 1812 that shook Missouri and caused the Mississippi River to flow backward?

    The immense power of the natural sciences can reduce humanity to frightened cave people.

    Definitely worth keeping an eye on this one.

  7. R.J. says:

    You’re right about the widespread damage. At least here in Cali, we have building codes that take earthquakes into account. I bet there’s a lot of older homes (pre-1968) and tall buildings made of solid brick or concrete that wouldn’t withstand even a 6.0 quake.

  8. Dick Small says:

    We have small earthquakes here in upstate new york. the last one was a few years ago. it happened a couple of towns away, but we felt it here. of course, i slept through it…

  9. Harry says:

    Big Hank – Hahahaha! Good one! 😉

  10. This is merely proof that Arkansas is the new hotbed of homersexuality. God will smite them when He is ready! Repent, Arkansas, repent!

  11. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    Arkansas earthquakes?

    OK, this must be God punishing the state for Mike HuckaBible.

  12. emcee says:

    I think Alaska and Washington are prone to earthquakes too. Although, they haven’t had any big ones recently. I remember seeing a Life Magazine in the library from like 1964 and it showed Anchorage basically destroyed from one.

  13. That is terrifying, oy vey. I want to do some reading about this, I’m curious to see if any structures have been built using earthquake protocols, like (buildings on rollers).

    I didn’t know you lived in SF. I went to college in SF and lived there for 5 years. Where in SF did you live? I now live in LA. Where in SoCal did you reside? Too personal?

  14. Stephanie says:

    What in the hell is wrong with you people? They talk about something horrible happening to one of you fellow American states and all you can say is we deserve it or “repent” or all about trailers and homosexuallity? Children could be hurt or even killed and all you can say is “haha”? That is horrible and you talk about God punishing us? So to say that God is punishing Yellowstone or California? I mean come on! Arkansas is like any where else, but apparently much more kind and respectful. I hope you feel horrible for what you said- about any one or any state. You are not kind and speaking about God, he is watching you and all the horrible things you say! You need to REPENT! LOSER.

  15. RaiulBaztepo says:

    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  16. Jeff Day says:

    Do I need an emergency pack?

  17. Kyle says:

    What are the real risks?

  18. bridget holloway says:

    Not everyone who lives in Arkansas has a mobile home. We are a very unlucky state though. We have people dying every year from tornado’s. I am originally from Michigan and have seen way more hicks there than here. I would much rather live in Arkansas. To all of those whom think we are all idiots that live here trust me we are not. It shows how rude some people can be. We have something called southern charm and will gladly be the first ones to those states to help out in the event of a natural disaster (Hurricane Katrina doubled our states population because of our hospitality to those in need).

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