Things to be Thankful For: Ann Coulter’s Jaw Wired Closed!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I have so much to be thankful this year: the end of the Bush nightmare, the election of Barack Obama, good health, a happy spouse and, Ann Coulter’s mouth is wired shut.

According to the New York Post:

Ann Coulter, the leggy rightwing bloviator, broke her jaw and her blabbermouth has been wired shut.

No word on how it happened. Maybe she chomped down too hard on her bit?

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39 Responses to Things to be Thankful For: Ann Coulter’s Jaw Wired Closed!

  1. No chance of making it permanent, huh. Watch her be Colmes’ replacement.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    Maybe a refrigerator will fall on the bitch’s paws and she won’t be able to type either. Imagine? A truly silenced Annthrax Coulter. Now there’s a gift we can all enjoy! 🙂

  3. Bruce says:

    Now can we wire Limbaugh’s shut?

  4. R.J. says:

    Couldn’t happen to a nicer person [/snark]

  5. No Nonsense says:

    Maybe she was bitch-slapped. Wouldn’t that be nice to watch on youtube.

  6. Rachel says:

    A Thanksgiving miracle! Woo Hoo! ^5^

  7. Walk on Socks says:

    The Coultergiest broke her jaw?

    You mean, someone broke the Coultergiest’s jaw?

    Like her former FBI boyfriend finally got fed up with her so he sunk his fist into her face?

  8. taco says:

    Maybe she chomped down too hard on her bit?

    ROFLMAO! Ouch! 🙂

  9. Caryn says:

    I understand Coulter isn’t popular in liberal circles but to celebrate her very serious injury like this is simply awful.

    This makes all of you look very immature.

  10. mbmdl says:

    There is a condition where the bones freeze together and can’t move. My great hope for dear Ann is her jaw freezes closed requiring a painful operation to break the jaw open again. That ought to take her out of commission for a few years.

  11. Harry says:

    Obama won! Coulter’s mouth is wired closed. Now all I can wish for is world peace and atheism.

  12. Arizona Leatherneck says:

    Is she a man?

    Dude, there is no way she was born a biological woman. She’s a guy. The jaw wiring thing must be related to feminizing her “look.”

  13. Gil says:

    I,m sorry to hear that happened to him, I mean her.Could not have happened to a better guy, I mean girl.It maybe was from the operation to cut off her* his adams apple..

  14. lea-lea says:

    Hey Caryn – If you feel so sorry for Man Coulter, why not send her a get well card and a box of Ex-Lax so she can keep her weight down?

  15. Mauigirl says:

    How appropriate! If only, as someone else said, it was permanent.

  16. kellybelle says:

    LOL! That is awesome! I wonder why though.

  17. JollyRoger says:

    Damn. Now can we have C__tler’s fingers broken too, so we don’t have to read any more of her tripe?

  18. JollyRoger says:

    I understand Coulter isn’t popular in liberal circles but to celebrate her very serious injury like this is simply awful.

    This makes all of you look very immature.

    And how does it make wingtards like yourself look to continue to hang on every word from someone who has advocated the poisoning of Supreme Court Justices, the assassination of Presidents, and the genocide of an entire religion?

  19. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Coulter is a kunt.

    Too bad a building doesn’t fall on her and do the world a favor.

  20. Randy Arroyo says:

    Whoa, now this is some major snark! No word on how she managed to break her jaw? Jaws aren’t commonly broken unless you have a car accident or fall from a few stories onto your face. Oh well, it could happen to a nicer person!

  21. Randy Arroyo says:

    Whoa, now this is some major snark! No word on how she managed to break her jaw? Jaws aren’t commonly broken unless you have a car accident or fall from a few stories onto your face. Oh well, it could happen to a nicer person!

  22. Massagatto says:

    Caryn, what am I going to do with you? Defending Ann Coulter on a liberal blog makes about as much sense as defending Bush in the Castro.

    What you need to understand is, Ann Coulter is a is a classic narcissist. Coulter has the type of ego that could cause her to take credit for the election of a president.

    Healthy narcissism — Freud explained, is fine but in Coulter’s case, her narcissism has taken the form of a woman who is excessively preoccupied with issues of trumping male power and female personal adequacy, power and prestige.

    Any man who doesn’t want to bed Ms. Coulter must undoubtedly be a “fag,” as she said about John Edwards and Bill Clinton.

  23. Conejo1982 says:


    That’s a whole lot of psycho babble.

    Wouldn’t it be easier to simply say Ann Coulter is a nasty bitch?

  24. Big Hank says:

    She was either roughed up real bad by some guy she was screwing or she drove her car drunk into a cement pillar. Jaws are strong and don’t easily break.

  25. fairlane says:

    I thought Ann Coulter was really Howard Stern or vice versa?

  26. fairlane says:

    Oh, I also thought they put horses “Down” after they break a bone?

  27. JollyRoger says:

    Her jaw should have had the strength of a bridge pillar, all things considered. But tweakers are notorious for having brittle bones.

  28. R.J. says:

    Caryn, I don’t mean to pile on but I have no sympathy for columnists who used people like me as their personal punching bag in a public forum for eight years.

    Wishing John Edwards would be assassinated is not humor. Neither is saying a baseball bat is the most effective way to talk to liberals.

    She can STFU for the next six to eight weeks while I celebrate.

  29. Dick Small says:

    I laughed when the title of this post popped up.. hahaa (although i feel kind of guilty for laughing)

  30. I heard it happened at a farm in Wasilla , Alaska.While the governor was doing a interview someone grab her on mistake, or she fell into a device for slaughtering turkeys.

  31. woyoyo says:


  32. DCVET says:

    (M)ann Coulter is much less attractive than a horse.

  33. Did her fingers break too? Because her new book is set to be a propagandist’s dream.


    p.s that picture is disturbing….

  34. libhomo says:

    It is interesting seeing the Coultergeist get a taste of her own vitriol.

  35. Stradella says:

    I wish I could take credit for knocking for busting this heffa’s jaw but I cain’t.

    But no one deserves it more. Coulter is an evil hag.

  36. caryn — the only thing better than this, would be if it was permanently closed shut

    i have ZERO sympathy or anything for people like the c**t coulter – who lie and spread evil. she wished someone would assassinate Justice Stevens, she wished Mcveigh had blown up the NY Times, she called edwards a fag (and gore i think)

    coulter is a dangerous piece of shit — and this injury couldnt have happened to a nicer bitch

  37. I heard she had a fall, broke her jaw, and it is now WIRED SHUT!!

    All we need now if for Dick Cheney to hit a fire hydrant with his car, be trapped in the wreckage with the water spraying on his face (a la “waterboarding”) and we will KNOW there is a God with a sense of humor!

  38. coffee says:

    whatever happened to Ann Coulter? she seems to make a fewer public appearances nowadays

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