The Media Turns on McCain/McCandy

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The McCain/McCandy/media honeymoon is over. That didn’t take long.

Despite their initial enchantment with Sarah “Immaculate Conception” Palin, the usually kowtowed media is reacting boisterously to the McCain campaign placing Palin in the witness protection program and not allowing them access to her.

Here’s a few examples of the newly invigorated media:

TIME Inc.: McCain is responsible for one of the sleaziest ads I’ve ever seen in presidential politics.

Washington Post: Palin’s opposition to the “Bridge to Nowhere,” at best, a half-truth.

AP: McCain’s ad about Palin is “Missleading.”

Wall Sreet Journal: Palin quotes belligerent rightie columnist Westbrook Pegler, who advocated assassination.

Queerty: Palin, as mayor, tried tried to ban gay-themed books from library.

Huffington Post: Palin’s eBay jet story is a lie.

LA Times: Palin attended church service that said Arab terrorism against Israel was an expression of God’s judgment on the Jewish people for rejecting Christ.

NY Times: McCain’s hasty vetting of Palin was all too reminiscent of his grave dereliction of due diligence on the war.

It appears that John “Keating Five” McCain’s arrogant effort to manipulate and control the media is about as successful as New Coke.

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17 Responses to The Media Turns on McCain/McCandy

  1. VicoDANIEL says:

    McCain has played the MSM like they’re fools.

    This was bound to happen. Richard Nixon did this and the press turned on him. Bush II really did it his second term and the quality and timber of their coverage of him changed from positive to negative.

    McCain is drunk on his own celebrity. He thinks the hype is true. No wonder he can’t recall how many houses he and Cindy Lou own. Why, he probably thinks he married Cindy Lou directly out of high school.

  2. Harry says:

    Christopher – You hit the nail on the head. The press doesn’t like being told a VP candidate is not available.

  3. Kurt says:

    Charlie Gibson is still in love with her, that interview should be nauseating. I wonder if she’ll ever have to answer a serious question before November? I’m not counting on the debate, she’s proved herself quite capable of reciting Rick Davis’ talking-points.

  4. Peace Nick says:

    Great breakdown of media sources on Palin. Thanks for posting this.

    I am extremely troubled by the New York Times link to a piece that asserts Palin attended a church service that said “Arab terrorism against Israel was an expression of God’s judgment on the Jewish people for rejecting Christ.”

    As recently as 3 months ago, the media was gorging themselves over stories about comment’s made by Obama’s former pastor.

    Yet, there’s an silence zone around Palin and even more incendiary remarks by her pastor. Why the double standard?

  5. rastamick61 says:

    It’s one thing when Palin and McSame diss usas Americans with their bullshit and arrogance but when they do it to the MSMers it’s such a different story isn’t it.

  6. We have to keep asking the media why they are not reporting everything that we are talking about…If we wait for them to decide if it is a story it will be too late as it looks like many in MSM are not going to report everything for fear of retaliation from the GOP. Just look what they did to KO on MSN.

  7. Matteo says:

    Sarah Douchebag, as Alaska’s hugely popular governor, wanted to charge the victims of rape for the cost of the test kits used to medically establish the assault.

    Alaska also has the highest rate of sexual assaults in the nation. I guess rape is sport according to Sarah Douchebag.

    As a man who has a sister who was raped her freshman year in college and had to dropout and undergo therapy for 2 years in order to recover, I am stunned by the Alaskan governor’s callousness toward victims of sexual assault.

  8. Aunt Peg says:

    Matteo – I am so sorry to read about your sister. Did she recover? Return to college? Send her my hugs and love.

    I have reached a point with this election that I am beginning to have an out-of-body experience. I knew conservatives growing up and they weren’t as cold and heartless and McCain Inc.

    We’re at a turning point, I believe. If McCain is elected, something fundamental and decent will be lost.

  9. Brigadoon says:

    Obama went Southside Chicago on the MSM today and told them “enough is enough.” I like him when he gets mad. It’s kinda’ hot. We start a running list of media pieces that challenge Palin’s BS and post them. I’m glad they’ve awakened from their slumber.

  10. Jim says:

    Selecting Palin achieved, at least for the short term, exactly the objective the Republicans must’ve hoped for. Recently, I couldn’t believe the magazine racks at the grocery store–wall-to-wall covers of McCandy and McBush. Now, I sense a change blowin’ in the wind, and not a moment too soon.

  11. leon says:

    Biden should ring them all up every couple of hours saying ‘guys I’m available for interviews anywhere any time unlike Palin’ to re-enforce point…

  12. kellybelle says:

    Glad the media finally woke up. I hope they woke up.

  13. R.J. Lebeau says:

    I was pleased with Jeffrey Toobin last night on CNN. He called out the media for not doing their job as journalists when it came to reporting their lies, and then AC360 went after them.

  14. fran says:

    Palin stood in front of a viewing audience of 40 million when she delivered her acceptance speech– she spewed lie after lie, and all the press could do was say she invigorated the party. Come on press! Do your job.
    Her actions & budget show she was the queen of pork spending…..this is not rumor & innuendo– it’s all right there in the budget.
    The Palin package is a nightmare…. topped off with a gynormic flag lapel pin.
    I think I’m gonna be sick.

  15. Mauigirl says:

    Glad the MSM may be starting to wake up about Palin but I’m getting very nervous about the way people in general have reacted to this woman. How can they be so gullible? I hope Obama can break out and get the attention back on him (in a good way of course!).

  16. Sasha in MN says:

    Sarah Palin is Fool’s Gold.

    More flip flopping:

  17. retahyajyajav says:

    I work some of the dumbest suckers on earth.

    These guys say some variation of, “Yeah, I’d vote for McCain because I’d like to fuck Sarah Palin.”

    NASCAR Nation is alive and well in Atlanta, GA.

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