National Enquirer in Alaska to Investigate McCandygate

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Fresh off the heels of their investigation of John Edwards and his affair with Rielle Hunter (and reported on this blog two months before the mainstream media reported it), the National Enquirer tells the Politico the paper has dispatched three reporters from “the Edwards team” to begin investing McCandygate.

Editor David Perel says:

“Reporters were putting out calls all weekend to members of Palin’s family and those around her, as well as the family of the father, Levi Johnston. There was enough to go on for this week’s print edition, even before Monday’s statement.”

Perel said that the Alaska-based team will continue on the Palin beat.

Perhaps, the paper can wrestle up the medical records surrounding the birth of Trig Palin and lay to rest the question of the true identity of his mother?

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4 Responses to National Enquirer in Alaska to Investigate McCandygate

  1. Estacada says:

    Before the John Edwards story, I used to make fun of the tabloids. No more.

    The tabloids now do the job regular newspapers used to do. They actually get out there and investigate stories.

    Nowadays, regular newspapers only exist to sell ad space and make money for their corporate owners.

  2. feminazi says:

    I agree, Estacada. The MSM refused to cover the John Edwards affair even while it was going on in the midst of the Democratic primary. Bloggers like this one and a few others, were way out ahead of the MSM on the story. The Tabloids also covered it and forced the MSM to finally do their job. You have to wonder, what are they afraid of? No wonder people read the blogs first now to see what is happening in the country.

  3. Brigadoon says:

    The difference is, this time, the blogs beat the tabloids to the punch and now they are playing follow the blogger.

  4. Rastamick61 says:

    Now it’s a party…

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