McCain Chooses Willard

Friday, August 22, 2008

TIME‘s Mark Halperin cites two Republican sources who say that John McCain has settled on Mitt “Willard” Romney as his VP nominee.

A RNC source also confirmed to this blog that McCain ruled out Joe Lieberman because he’s pro-choice and he knew putting Lieberman on the ticket would destroy him with the wingnut Republican base.

Back to Willard. He has three houses. So between McCain and Willard, they own ten houses.

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12 Responses to McCain Chooses Willard

  1. TOM339 says:

    This makes perfect sense.

    McCain is a social conservative, who despite being a member of a cult church, embraces all the issues the Republican bases is rabid about.

    He’s antigay, anti-choice and wants to weaken the separation of church and state. Plus, Mitt is rich and the GOP loves its rich, white guys.

    I never for a moment thought McCain would select Lieberman. He’s a jew and as you point out, his pro-abortion position would drive the GOP base off the cliff.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    Perfect choice for McCain. They could be father and son. Even their wives have that overly Botoxed look of constant surprise on their faces. I hadn’t really planned on watching the Republican convention but it’s looking to be the biggest freakshow of my lifetime and worthy of a view just for entertainment value.

  3. Peace Nick says:

    So much for McCain keeping it a secret until Aug. 29th which happens to be his 72nd birthday.

    This also explains why the RNC surrogates went ballistic yesterday when the story hit.

    A McCain/Romney ticket may delight the base but, they provide fodder for Obama to paint them as two, uber-wealthy white guys, out of touch with mainstreet.

  4. Gizmo says:

    Romney makes strategic sense. If McCain loses the base, he might as well plan to return to Casa Grande and play golf until he dies.

    Personally, the very thought of a Mormon one heart beat away from the presidency creeps me out.

  5. No Nonsense says:

    And they are looking for the 11th… while my husband and I are trying to hold on to just one!

  6. Matteo says:

    Good morning gang! I’m posting this here because I don’t see any other thread that it fits and I want to make sure the news is seen.

    Obama Has 58 Point Lead over McCain among GLBT Registered Voters

    Among gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) registered voters, 68 percent of GLBT adults favor Obama while 10 percent favor McCain. Three percent of GLBT adults favor Ralph Nader, while one percent chooses Bob Barr. Three percent choose “other,” while 15 percent of all GLBT voters are not yet sure which candidate to support.

    Among all registered U.S. voters, Obama retains an eight point lead over Senator John McCain in the latest Harris Poll, virtually unchanged since the nine point lead he enjoyed in early July.

  7. Conejo1982 says:

    Ultra-rich, white, neocons.

    They’re the bread and butter of the modern Republican party. Only with Mitt, you have a Mormon which takes the bizarre to a whole, new level.

  8. fran says:

    I thought for sure Gramps would be choosing Lieberman… he’s just lame enough to fit the ticket. Romney & his old time religion show is tres creepy. This detrimental duo must be stopped!!!
    Last prezzzidential election, I tried to watch the repug ntl. convention, (in a know your enemy kind of way), my family tells me I was snoring! So if you suffer from insomnia…. tune in.

  9. libhomo says:

    The GOP base won’t tolerate either because neither of them is a Christian.

  10. The base may not tolerate them, but they’ll vote for them over the black guy 100% of the time.

  11. Rastamick61 says:

    Ah yes the scary black man makes people like Mitt look reassuring to that psychotic base. I agree that Lieberman’s closet liberal tendencies and his being jewish will forever consign him to the role of the gap toothed bridesmaid who’s smart and funny but come on, look at her… in the eyes of people like McBush. I like this choice for a number of reasons, the fact that Mitt is a schmuck with a bunch of his own question marks trailing him gives me hope that he and McBush can circle the drain together in November. Look up Kimbo Slice vs. chico on youtube. He’s my choice for Barack’s VP — o.k. I stole the idea but Kimbo brings what Barack appears to be lacking…

  12. Maggie says:

    Willard? I knew it, dang he always reminded me of a rat. Really, look at him, he looks like a rat.

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