Obama Needs to Stop Praising McCain

Monday, August 18, 2008

A day after Barack Obama and John McCain exchanged an embrace during a faith forum at a California megachurch, Obama called the U.S. economy a disaster thanks to “John McCain’s president, George W. Bush,” and chided his Republican rival’s campaign team for trying to make him look unpatriotic and weak.

But not before Obama before praised the Arizona senator as a “genuine American patriot.”

Obama said of McCain’s energy policy:

“McCain says ‘Here’s my plan, I’m going to drill here, drill now which is something he only came up with two months ago when he started looking at polling.”

The Illinois senator also criticized McCain’s advisers as “the same old folks that brought you George W. Bush. The same team.” He noted many had been lobbyists in Washington before McCain asked them to sever all lobbying ties.

Obama added:

“They say this other guy is unpatriotic, or this guy likes French people. That’s what they said about Kerry. They try to make it out like Democrats aren’t tough enough, aren’t macho enough. It’s the same strategy.”

Even so, Obama stepped to McCain’s defense when a voter criticized his Vietnam era record:

“Respectfully I’m going to disagree with you on McCain and his service. I think his service was honorable. He deserves respect.”

Obama needs to stop praising John McCain. This “I’m a gentleman and not a scary black man” shtick is beginning to make many supporters more than a little crazy. In fact, people are starting to wonder if Obama has the tough center necessary to stand up to Iranian president Ahmadinejadand and Russian president Medvedev. If Barack Obama truly thinks John McCain is a “genuine American patriot,” then why is he opposing him in the General Election? Just pack up the tent, return to Chicago and cast your vote for him in November.

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22 Responses to Obama Needs to Stop Praising McCain

  1. Rachel says:

    I’ve noticed this too, Christopher. I think Obama believes he has to navigate a tight road between criticizing McCain but not coming across as an angry, black man and risk putting off many white voters. It’s a challenge for him and not an easy task.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    Sorry, Rachel but I think you sound like a typical, white liberal. If Obama can’t let McCain have it between the eyes for his voting record and his close relationship with Bush and Cheney without sugar coating it, then may he’s not ready for Octagon. I don’t like passive-aggressive behavior in spouses, friends or presidents and how Obama comes across is passive-aggressive.

  3. TOM339 says:

    I think Christopher hit the nail on the proverbial head.

    If doubt it, then flip the scenario around. When was the last time you heard McCain criticize then praise Obama? None that I can recall. It’s just a constant barrage of criticism and it’s effective.

    Obama needs to stop being tentative and let the old man have it between his dentures.

  4. stradella says:

    I wonder what it will take to make Obama stop trying to be Bill Cosby?

    Maybe if McCain goes after Michelle? Sumpin’ like this:

    MCCAIN: “Michelle Obama makes un-American comments, dispects this country and sounds like a Communist.”

    OBAMA: “I respect my opponents service to this country but I have to disagree with his assessment of my wife, Michelle.”

    What he should say is:

    OBAMA: “What’s crackin’ chump? You run your game on my wife again and I’m going to kick your ass all the way back to North Vietnam. You dig?”

  5. Jamal says:

    Stradella, girl you are a mess!

    When I hear Obama praise McBush it pisses me off.

    Reminds me of that line from Napolean Dynamite:

    “u take it on sweet jumps?” Obama should know better.

  6. Aunt Peg says:

    I don’t get it either.

    McCain voted against the creation of the Martin Luther King holiday yet Obama keeps finding ways to help him make his case to the American public.

    If Obama loses in November, I hope he is able to see the part he played in helping McCain be victorious.

  7. R.J. says:

    I don’t think Obama has what it takes to beat McCain. The longer he persists in praising McCain, the more likely he’s going to lose those voters still on the fence.

    I’ll still vote for him, but only because there’s no alternative.

  8. Andy says:

    Who is Ahmadinejadand?

    Seriously though, Ahmadinejad poses no threat to the United States or anyone else, so your comment about Obama not being tough enough to “stand up to” him strikes me as being a bit ignorant. Only Re-pube-lican scare-mongers say Iran poses a threat, but I sincerely doubt they are foolish enough to believe their own rhetoric.

  9. Joe in Colorado says:

    There is definitely an old school quality to the tone of Obama’s oeuvre. It includes an excessive amount of reverence to age and military service. The irony of this approach is, it will not curry support from NASCAR NATION who are donating large sums to the McCain campaign in order to defeat Obama. I think Obama is nearing the Rubicon as the election draws nearer. He needs to decide how tough he’s willing to play or just get ready for defeat in November.

  10. Peace Nick says:

    McCain promised to run a clean campaign that focused on the issues.

    How long did that last? McCain is attacking Obama at least four times a day, 7 days a week and Obama praises him and calls him a “hero?”

    RJ may be correct, I’m sorry to say.

  11. feminazi says:

    Christopher – I know you’ve said this before and until this weekend I hadn’t noticed it. When I heard Obama defend McCain’s military record, it made me cringe. Instead of being the presumptive Democratic candidate for president, Obama became a McCain surrogate. This is a terrible way to try and win a closely divided electorate.

  12. Kurt says:

    Look, that’s how Barack is.
    He’s not a sniveling little coward, he’s not an over-the-top madman.
    If you don’t want to vote for him, then don’t.

  13. VicoDANIEL says:

    Kurt’s spot-on.

    Obama is a “nice guy” and my guess is, he will leave much of the attacking to his vice presidential choice who, BTW, is expected to be announced Thursday.

    Imagine if he chooses Biden? Biden can be a true attack dog and he will eat McCain for breakfast.


  14. emcee says:

    If Obama selects Evan Bayh, Bayh will mix McCain’s Metamucil for him. I think Obama needs a tough-as-nails VP to do the dirty work for him.

  15. I choose about a month ago after supporting John McCain since the begining of his campaign 18 months ago that I will vote and work my heart out for Barack Obama. And I’m from Michigan all you east-coast libs can breath easier for one second. Obama has run with honor as McCain has become a pathetic mirage of the man I loved in 2000. Bit of advice though Obama has got to go hard at McCain showing a picture of him with Bush, him turning into President Bush (we actually had that in our 06 governor’s race) and just constantly bashing McCain on the economy. Obama has the money now he needs to spend it.

  16. i couldnt get over that pic lmao

  17. Winnie H. says:

    It may be a matter of timing. He may be holding back until after the convention when more people are paying attention. For him to start laying into McCain and his war record right now — well, it could be wasted breath. Americans are feeling good right now during an entertaining Olympics — plus they are winding down the summer and looking to get their children ready for school.

    Or he could be waiting to work in tandem with his VP. Whatever the reasons, I am still so impressed with how he beat both the Clintons at their own game that I am reserving any judgment at this point. He’s been raising tons of cash, organizing an unprecedented ground game and get-out-the-vote iniative, and resting up with a vacation for himself.

    We haven’t even really gotten started yet. Let’s see what he’s got up his sleeve for the fall campaign.

  18. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Man, you take no hostages!

    That picture is cold. But it works because unlike many lefty bloggers, you’re applying scrutiny to both candidates.

  19. Dick Small says:

    “In fact, people are starting to wonder if Obama has the tough center necessary to stand up to Iranian president Ahmadinejadand and Russian president Medvedev”
    You all do realize that Medvedev is nothing more than a weak cardboard cut-out puppet to hold Putin’s seat warm until Putin can take charge again after the next russian “democratic” election….

  20. Dick Small says:

    … and once Putin’s back in power, he’s going to be even more ruthless than ever.

  21. DMason says:

    I’d like to see Obama deck McCain. The nice guy act is growing thin. Let’s hope his veep can do some of the heavy lifting for Obama and call McCain on his bullshit.

  22. Rastamick61 says:

    Yeah I’m saying bring on the scary black man about now. Who’s scarier than this bunch of white billionaire freaks we’ve had grinding us into the dirt since 2000 ? When my tightass white friends ask why I plan to vote for O I tell them because he’s black.

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