McCain was for Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter Before He was Against Them

Monday, August 18, 2008

This past weekend, during his interview with Rev. Rick Warren, old coot McCain said that if he had been president he would have never nominated Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, David Souter or John Paul Stevens to the United State Supreme Court.

While old coot McCain wasn’t a senator when Stevens was nominated, why then did he nevertheless vote to confirm Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter?

It seems that old coot McCain was for them before he was against them.

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7 Responses to McCain was for Ginsburg, Breyer, and Souter Before He was Against Them

  1. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Toggling up from the post below, this is what Obama should hit McCain with in the debates.

    If he fucks this up, he’s missing a golden opportunity.

  2. Gizmo says:

    McCain totally creeps me out with that monotone “My friends” lead-in. Dude, you ain’t my friend, so stop calling me your friend. I have no Republican friends and I intend to keep it that way.

  3. DMason says:

    McCain is working his Reagan.He just talks and talks and makes no sense — just like Reagan and the Cons eat it up. No wonder Ann Coulter flip-flopped and is now supporting his tired, old ass.

  4. Roger says:

    Of COURSE Ann Coulter is now supporting McCain. Was there ever any doubt that she would? Yeah, she spouted all this “He’s not a Republican” nonsense, but come on. It’s not like they’ve got another candidate out there and Coulter sure as hell ain’t supporting Ron Paul or that black Mooslim revolutionary lib’ral.

  5. TS Ackerman says:

    Flip-floppers all of them. I posted about Ann Coulter’s support for Hillary over McCain, too.
    I’ve taken to calling McCain the “White-Haired Weasel” because he just waffles along with the political winds. Glad to see others are catching on.

  6. Randy Arroyo says:

    Did McCain formulate these answers after he cheated and listened to the questions Warren asked Obama when he was supposed to be in a “cone of silence?” Fuck you, McCain.

  7. DCVET says:

    An excellent catch. McCain is just making shit up now and he’s banking on the easy ride the MSM has given him up until this point in the race. This is type of information we should see on TV news and not the ridiculous, mind-numbing coverage of Michael Phelps and his size 14 feet.

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