Bye, Bye, Bye Lieberman?

Sunday, August 17, 2008

One of the most aggravating things about a closely divided Senate is the need to suck up to Joe Lieberman of Connecticut. While he may frequently vote with the Democratic majority, the price for his support is his embrace of the presumptive Republican candidate, John McCain, and members of the religious right.

But all this may change after November.

Top Republican in charge of the party’s Senate campaigns concedes the GOP will lose seats this year. The only question is how many seats.

The Associated Press reports:

“Democrats have solid chances of winning five seats, according to strategists in both parties and public polls, and realistic shots at picking off another three to five Republican senators. Republicans have only one good opportunity for replacing a Democrat, in Louisiana.”

Meanwhile, “the scent of defeat threatens to become a self-fulfilling prophecy: Republican donors are sitting on their hands, giving Democrats a nearly 2-to-1 advantage in fundraising that limits the GOP’s ability to defend key seats.”

CQ reports on the Senate seats to watch.

If the Democrats pick up five additional Senate seats, we can safetly wave bye, bye, bye, to Joe Lieberman, as his days as a power broker will blissfully be over.

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11 Responses to Bye, Bye, Bye Lieberman?

  1. Scott Dancer says:

    I certainly hope this is the outcome of the 2008 election.

    For far too long, Lieberman, has been accorded a level of respect he hasn’t earned and doesn’t deserve by cowardly senate Democrats afraid to stand up to him.

    The “close vote” argument is lame. If Lieberman is really such a loose cannon, then he should change his party affiliation and become a Republican.

  2. Harry says:

    When the Dumbos return in January, the first thing Harry Reid needs to do is clean house and this means stripping Holy Joe of his committee seats.

  3. feminazi says:

    I so detest this man. If Lieberman gets marginalized I will feel like I’ve won the lottery. I’m still ashamed of the voters of my home state for reelecting him in 2006. I will never forgive them.

  4. Jim says:

    Oh, and won’t that be a glorious day! Adios and good riddance to Bush, Cheney and now Lieberman.

  5. Mauigirl says:

    That would indeed be a great outcome!

  6. Walk on Socks says:

    I expect McCave will announce Lie-Berman is his choice for vice president.

    The two men are BFFs in the senate — even closer than is McCave and Hillary.

    All the more reason McCave can’t win the presidency.

  7. Bruce says:

    Love the picture. How true.

  8. Estacada says:

    If the Democrats pick up 5 senate seats and retain the 51 they currently have, this will give them 56.

    It’s still 4 short of 60 votes.

    Reid should proceed very carefully when it comes to roughing up Holy Joe. It could regret it.

  9. R.J. says:

    I can’t wait until we get that MoFo out of here.

  10. Robert Rouse says:

    I there was one nice thing I could say about Joe LIEberman … I’d probably choke on my own words before I could get it out. However, I do want to say to Joe, the next time you pass by my house … I’d appreciate it!

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