Today is Barack Obama’s 47th Birthday

Monday, August 4, 2008

Today is Barack Obama’s 47th birthday. When Obama is sworn-in as president in January, he will tie with Grover Cleveland as the 5th youngest U.S. president in presidential history.

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15 Responses to Today is Barack Obama’s 47th Birthday

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    Barack Obama is 47? So what does that make John McCain? 147?

    Anyway, happy birthday Barack! Have a great day!

  2. emcee says:

    Happy Birthday to Ya’!

  3. Brigadoon says:

    Our most accomplished presidents have been our youngest presidents. I think young people tend to see the world differently than older people. Young people are less fearful and more open to new ideas and to reaching out to friends and enemies alike. This is a terribly exciting time for America and for the world.

  4. stradella says:

    Happy Birthday, Barack?

    Here’s my menu for you:

    ~ fried chicken
    ~ greens (with a turkey leg)
    ~ mac & cheese
    ~ corn bread
    ~ peach cobbler

    Don’t you go worrying about your health today, You just eat and enjoy!

  5. Harry says:

    Hmmmm. Peach cobbler!

  6. Adirondacky says:

    Oh I remember being 47 and I wasn’t anywhere near mature enough to be the president. Of course, after George Bush, the bar has been lowered to the point where Alfred E. Newman could be the leader of the free world. Anyway, a heartfelt Happy Birthday to you Mr. Obama!!!

  7. Happy birthday. I hope you enjoy this day.

  8. Hadrian says:

    My I come to your house to eat, Stradella?

    I love fried chicken and cornbread. Good fried chicken is hard to find and I’m not talking KFC!

  9. fran says:

    Although I wish him well, maybe someone ought to give him some spine enhancing formula, so he can stick with his original platforms on issues of Civil Rights, upholding the Constitution, and the environment.

    We love’s ya Barack– but stay away from the waffles (waffling).

  10. Robert Rouse says:

    Hell, I’m 53 now and although I think I could be president, most of those around me know that I’m STILL too immature for the job. Oh, you mean of the United States? I thought you meant the musicians union.

    Happy B-Day Barack!

  11. R.J. says:

    Happy Birthday, Barack. Please pay attention to the Rasmussen polls if you want to win in November.

  12. Jim says:

    And that means he’ll be around for many, many years to come to fight the good fight against imbeciles like George Bush.

  13. Dick Small says:

    That cake looks pretty good…

  14. Pingback: Barack Obama Fan Site » Blog Archive » The buzz from local blogs: Happy Birthday, Barack!

  15. Pingback: The buzz from local blogs: Happy Birthday, Barack! — Democrat Barack Obama

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