Quote of the Day

Monday, August 4, 2008

“But I am not a racist, I never made a racist comment, and I didn’t attack him personally.” – former president Bill Clinton, doing damage control and denying reality, to ABC’s Kate Snow

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8 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. emcee says:

    Clinton is such a lying sack of crap.

    Of course, he’s a cardcarrying racist. He played the race card against Barack Obama will great ease in South Carolina. He (and his fat-assed wife) knew precisely what they were doing.

  2. ChiTOM says:

    President Bill Clinton shamelessly played the race card throughout the primary.

    Does he think it’s some alignment of the stars that has caused the majority of the African American voters to turn on the Clintons?

    Please, Bill. People are smarter than you give them credit for being.

  3. stradella says:

    Bill, President Clinton, can we talk?

    Old boy, you know I voted for you — twice and I think for the most part you were a very good to even excellent president but your behavior during the primary, especially in South Carolina, was slapped up, straight racist.

    And you knowd it, Bill. So don’t lie now, You knowd it.

  4. Hadrian says:

    Bill and Hill have always underestimated the intelligence of the American people.

    They were sure Hillary would be embraced by the voters and swept into the White House.

    But it turned out that Hillary was one WASP lady the American voters had no interest in electing.

  5. Dick Small says:

    I didn’t vote for Bill. I voted for Perot. I’m rather proud of that, these days. Well, obviously…

  6. Travelingman says:

    Fuck you Bill you lying whoring asshole. You are pathetic…

  7. Joe in Colorado says:

    Bill Clinton is engaging in some serious damage control. Of course, the Clintons are racists. Hillary is a former Goldwater girl and Bill is from Arkansas. They can’t help hating black people. It’s in their genes.

  8. libhomo says:

    Bill Clinton is a genocidal racist, literally speaking. A lot of people forget the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis he murdered with his sanctions.

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