If Obama’s A Celebrity, What’s McCain?

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cause when you’re a celebrity
It’s adios reality
No matter what you do
People think you’re cool
Just ’cause you’re on TV
I can fall in and out of love
Have marriages that barely last a month
When they go down the drain
I’ll blame it on the fame
And say it’s just so tough
Being a celebrity

Celebrity, Brad Paisley, Country crooner

Arizona Sen. John McCain emerged as the most popular Republican in Hollywood following his 2000 presidential primary defeat, winning more screen time than the rest of Congress combined. McCain made cameos in “Wedding Crashers” and “24,” saw his memoir turned into a popular biopic on A&E, and appeared more than 30 times on late night comedy shows.

So when McCain cast Barack Obama’s celebrity as a disqualifier, it seemed more than a little disingenuous.

Just one day before McCain released a political ad interspersing pictures of Paris Hilton and Britney Spears with footage of Obama addressing 200,000 people in Berlin that called the Illinois Democrat “The biggest celebrity in the world,” followed by actor Jon Voight telling Variety that McCain had “many great, intelligent, talented Academy winning actors standing by, awaiting a major press conference to show their support.”

Perhaps, Ted Johnson, managing editor of Variety and editor of the blog Wilshire and Washington, which monitors the intersection of celebrity and politics said it best of all:

“The ad is a bit ironic given that McCain has been the most pop-culture savvy Republican candidate in quite some time.”

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8 Responses to If Obama’s A Celebrity, What’s McCain?

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    Before he decided to run for president, we used to joke that McCain was on TV more than he was on the floor of the US Senate.

    I simply can’t understand why Arizonians keep sending this old dodger back to the Congress year after year?

    What has he ever done for them? McCain, is all about helping better McCain and that social X-Ray he’s married to, Miss Cindy.

  2. TOM339 says:

    I read where Paris Hilton’s parents, who are lifelong Republicans and financial contributors to McCain’s campaign, were pissed off that their boy used their daughter’s likeness in a tacky campaign ad.

    Oh well. Maybe this will teach them a valuable lesson about supporting such a disastrous man as John McCain?

  3. Brigadoon says:

    McCain is a total media whore. He would knock down and run over his own mother to get to a camera and a microphone. He makes me sick to my stomach.

  4. taco says:

    McCain, is all about helping better McCain and that social X-Ray he’s married to, Miss Cindy.

    “Social X-Ray?” LMAO! If Cindy gets one more face lift her pussy will be on the top of her head! 🙂

  5. Peace Nick says:

    The McCain ad is one of the most stupid I’ve seen.

    Yet, I wonder if the American people, who are so celebrity obsessed, will fall for it?

    The Brad Paisley lyrics really say it all. Adios, reality.

  6. feminazi says:

    McCain is lucky Obama is a decent guy, Otherwise, can you imagine the campaign ads he could use against McCain? Imagine a hallway in a nursing home with dozens of old men in wheel chairs and McCain’s head superimposed on one of the men and a voice recites a dozen of McCain’s gaffes?

  7. Travelingman says:

    If McCain and Lieberman think this ad is so funny I wonder how they would react if Obama ran an ad that showed him compared to little old people with hearing aids sipping ensure in their wheelchairs…hell it is all in good fun right? If O ran that kind of ad their would be outrage and then he would be labled as “uppity” which they are already trying to paint him as.

  8. Rastamick61 says:

    Aside from being a shitty Dad to the most gorgeous actress of this century John Voigt is a dumbass politically too ? “Social x ray” is from Tom Wolfe’s Bonfire of the Vanities and what better title to inject into the McBush Campaign. Kerry tried the nice guy trip last time and look where it got us. If Barack won’t kick and scratch and go for the eyes and crotch he’d better pick a VP that will or Karl Rove will be calling in the low blows from his jail cell and we’ll be stuck with Mr. Iraq/Pakistan border for another 4 yrs !!

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