Bush’s Economic Nightmare: 438,000 Jobs Lost

Thursday, July 3, 2008

President George W. Bush’s economic nightmare continues unabated.

The all-important July jobs report came out today and the news wasn’t good. In fact, it was dire.

Employers trimmed jobs from their payrolls in June for the sixth straight month, as the government’s closely watched report Thursday showed continued weakness in the labor market.

The Labor Department reported a net loss of 62,000 jobs in the month. That matched the job loss figure for May, which was revised higher from 49,000. Economists surveyed by Briefing.com had forecast a loss of 60,000 jobs.

The June number brought to 438,000 the number of jobs lost by the U.S. economy so far this year.

Frankly, I can hardly wait to hear how this braindead administration tries to spin the grim employment news. So far they’ve tried to blame everything from the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, to the Yankees failing to make it to the World Series, and to solar flares on Alpha Centaurus.

The only fact that is indisputable is, George W. Bush has been a catasprohy for the U.S. ecomony.

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11 Responses to Bush’s Economic Nightmare: 438,000 Jobs Lost

  1. Matteo says:

    Dire indeed, Christopher. Here’s the sparkling news from American Airlines. I’m beginning to worry if we will have a country left in 6 months.

    Big Job Cuts Announced at American

    American Airlines expects to cut nearly 7,000 employees by the end of the year, or about 8 percent of its worldwide work force, as it reduces flights and grounds aircraft because of high fuel costs, the airline told employees Wednesday.

    The job cuts, which appear to be twice as big as those announced so far by any other carrier, could affect as many as 900 flight attendants.

  2. Rachel says:

    These are truly horrific economic times but the media still refuses to say the “R” word and admit we’re in a protracted recession. The media is still trying to protect the Chimp instead of telling the American people the truth.

  3. woyoyo says:

    I don’t mean to sound cold and insensitive but the Dumbocrats had a chance to impeach this lawbreaking, asshole for a president back in November, 2006 when Madam Pelosi took over the House of Representaives.

    We could have been rid of Bush and Cheney at this point and the clean up would be underway but oh no.

    Pelosi said, “Impeachment is off the table.” I guess that’s easy to say when you’re a multi-millionaire like her.

  4. Brigadoon says:

    Fuck Bush. Fuck Cheney. Fuck Pelosi. I have no use for any of them. If Obama can’t clean up this mess in his first term, then the voters shouldn’t reelect him as president in 2012. One shot, fix things or you’re out the door, baby.

  5. Harry says:

    Obama will inherit. My prediction is, the day after Obama is sworn in as president, the Republicans will start blaming him for Bush’s neglect.

  6. “God, your presidency is even worse than I remember it.” -Jon Stewart

  7. Harry, you forgot about the press piling on.

    “You promised things would be better and you can’t fix all these problems in a few short years? Why does President Obama hate America?”

    And don’t forget that all the stuff that’s unimpeachable now will suddenly become the gravest threat to security and freedom since Islamofundiecommunistojihadists.

  8. Dick Small says:

    Is there anything Bush hasn’t ruined????

  9. the airline industry in the toilet
    the auto industry in the toilet
    banking industry in the toilet
    advertising business in the toilet
    trucking bad
    retail forget it

    but the media and oil companies — they dont understand why anyone is bitching

    oh and reverend wright is bad — the media WONT let you forget that

    but they will let you forget that McCain’s undying support of bush got us into this mess

  10. DMason says:

    Nearly a half a million jobs lost in 6 months. What a total screw up for a president. But I’m sure Bush will climb aboard Air Force One Aug. 1st and spend a month at the pig farm chopping cedar and drinking beer out of the view of the media. What a fucktard.

  11. Circle See says:

    By December 31st, 2008 I’m confident that number will reach 1 million.

    Just think? Pelosi in all her stupidity could’ve put an end to this mess 2 years ago. The rotten bitch is more interested in floral arrangements than this country.

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