Quote of the Day

Saturday, June 14, 2008

“You loud mouthed, self-important, elitist, John McCain pimping, pile on artist, anti feminist, misogynistic, ego driven, over paid, hack, blow hard, Clinton hating, so 20th century male, mind numbing pontificator, against all things Democratic jackass. Who elected you to anything?” – ardent Hillbot, Taylor Marsh, attacking the late Tim Russert on her blog the night Russert called the primary over.

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13 Responses to Quote of the Day

  1. Aunt Peg says:

    Taylor Marsh is a stupid bitch and an embarrassment to all women.

    I hear she’s visiting the Clintons at Chappaqua and enlisting her serviced a foot masseuse to rub Hillary’s tired feet. šŸ˜‰

  2. dirti boi says:

    I heard her site got hacked yesterday.

    Couldn’t happen to a nastier blogger. Her rants have a distinctly Klan quality to them and she clearly hates men. All men.

  3. Ingrid says:

    wow… no wonder she visited the GOP recently. She should be right at home. Of course she’ll have to change her missives a wee..

  4. Brigadoon says:

    Taylor Marsh had her nose up Hillary’s craw from the moment Clinton threw her hat in the race. Her anti-Obama rants reeked of southern racism and made many people nauseous and I happen to know for a fact she lost a large portion of her readership.

  5. Gary SF says:

    A lot of us had nasty things to say about Russert when he was alive. He was part the of ‘establishment press’ that did not do their jobs in the months leading to the war in Iraq. All of us who are adults during this time will be remembered for not being worthy of our Constitutional rights. Most of the blame will go to Bush, some of it to the Congress and a heap of deserved blame goes to the press. And us – remember the Boston Tea Party? Did any of us do much more than whine in the blogshpere? As for the post death sainthood for Russert, Bette Davis said it best when chastised about saying bad things about the dead Joan Crawford: “Just because a person’s dead,” she said, “doesn’t mean they’ve changed.”

    None of the wonderful things Russert may have done during his lifetime can change the fact that we almost lost our country because the press were fat and lazy or possibly complicit with the Bush administration.

    Shame on them.

  6. Tengrain says:

    I refuse to shed one tear for Tim Russert, though my sympathies go to his family (58 is just way too young).

    As for Taylor Marsh, I think her credibility is shot to hell.



  7. Randy Arroyo says:

    I never read Taylor Marsh’s blog. My sister used to read her blog and tell me about her but the primary turned her off of Marsh completely. My sister calls her a racist. My sister has pretty sound judgment.

  8. Now she likes Sen.Obama.I hope she wakes up the other Clintonista,and the fake ones.

  9. libhomo says:

    This is the first thing I’ve read of Taylor Marsh’s that actually was true in a long time.

    However, her timing was terrible. She should have waited a couple of weeks.

    The thing that really pisses me off is that Russert’s death is getting an avalanche of coverage while the deaths of our troops in Iraq is hardly gettting a peep.

  10. woyoyo says:

    Taylor Marsh is a monster.

  11. taylor marsh is like rush to me…. unreadable and unlisten-able

    and this sainthood for russert is a bit much…. he was a nice guy and a great family man — and condolences to his family

    but he did not do his job. period

  12. Taylor is a disgrace. She’s a pathetic internet blogger, with barely any readers. 6 months after the election she will lose all her advertisers and she will have to find another job to pay the bills.

    Taylor Marsh’s real name is Michelle Marshall. She is embarassed about her real name. Michelle Marshall is a native of Missouri, that used to be in the porn industry. So this is her way of hiding her past. Too late Taylor Marsh! You lost your credibility far before everyone found out about your porn days.

    Shame on you Taylor Marsh! For disgracing Tim Russert. You’re an evil woman, and you deserve what you get.

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