Hillary Wants to Be Obama’s Veep!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And I say, No! No! No!

Hillary Clinton has told congressional colleagues she would be open to becoming Barack Obama’s vice presidential nominee, saying she would consider it if it would help Democrats win the White House.Clinton, a New York senator, made the comment on a conference call with other New York lawmakers Tuesday, according a participant on the call.

The senator’s remarks came in response to a question from Democratic Rep. Nydia Velazquez who said she believed the best way for Obama to win over key voting blocs, including Hispanics, would be for him to choose Clinton as his running mate.

“I am open to it,” Clinton replied, if it would help the party’s prospects in November.

Why won’t this woman just go away?

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14 Responses to Hillary Wants to Be Obama’s Veep!

  1. DMason says:

    Oh, hell no. Absolutely not. I’m going to Obama2008 after I’m done here to post a complaint about this. If Obama caves to the Clintons and puts Hillary on the ticket, I think he will lose a lot of good will he’s built up over the past year with supporters. Hillary needs to get he ass back to the senate.

  2. Christopher says:

    Hi David,

    I posted on another reader’s blog that I think this would be an enormous mistake in judgment if Obama asks Hillary to be his running mate.

    I think her presence would instantly weaken his message of change. Plus, she brings along you-know-who, and a bored Bill Clinton is a problem.

  3. Rachel says:

    Obama does not need Hillary Clinton. Now, the Clintons may need Obama to hold onto their past glories and power but let’s be clear. Hillary Clinton has spent the past 9 months talking up John McCain in order to bring down Barack Obama. This is not cool for a Democratic to play this game with a fellow Democratic. Don’t even get me started on the race baiting Hillary and Bill Clinton have engaged in.

  4. joost says:

    The Clintons are a huge liability.

    I don’t subscribe to the theory that Obama needs Hillary to bring in disenfranchised white women and Hispanics.

    The nation has turned a page. The Clintons were the 1990’s. It’s 2008 and we must step forward and embrace the type of change Obama has articulated throughout his campaign. There is no place for Hillary and Bill Clinton other than observers.

  5. Paul says:


  6. Kellybelle says:

    If the shoe were on the foot this would have been done been over! I can’t believe this woman and her inability to face reality.

  7. Peace Nick says:

    I don’t think there is a snowball’s chance in hell of Obama asking her to join his administration.

    After all, there is no love lost between Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    Michelle has her husband’s back and she hasn’t forgotten South Carolina.

  8. stradella says:

    Barack should pick John Edwards.

    John Edwards is the total package: one fine lookin’ white man, strong on labor and a supporter of working peoples. He’s an advocate for Universal Healthcare and his wife is sharp as a tack.

    I love Barack but I have to say, if he puts this Clinton heffa on his ticket, I am not sure I will vote for him. Please Barack, don’t let me down. Don’t do it.

  9. Deborah says:

    She is not going away. I think the best way for us to heal this party and most IMPORTANT OF ALL, WIN THE WHITE HOUSE is for him to put her on the ticket. If anybody can make this work, Barack Obama CAN!!!!

    YES WE CAN 08

  10. Roger says:

    Is she crazy? Wait, why am I even asking this question? She IS crazy.

  11. Tiny Dancer says:

    We are witnesses to history.

    Tonight at 10PM, Barack Obama will speak to a crowd of 20,000 in St. Paul, MN at the very convention center where the Republicans plan to hold their convention in September.

    Tonight, Barack Obama will become our nominee and it only took the United States 232 years to nominate an African American.

    Tonight, the country and the world will be watching, as the reality of this monumental event unfolds. Life is good!

  12. It’s HIS Campaign and HIS race now- he can pick WHO he wants- and he and his wonderful team will choose carefully and wisely- they don’t need her manuvering – especially tonight….THIS is his night…..( what a manipulative thing for her to do that today of all days…unreal)……She has Some BIG Baggage ( AKA as Bill…. and how she ran her campaign, and yeah don’t get me started on her racial slurs and race baiting..)

    She has not even conceded…and she pulls this…alotta nerve and NO manners- Again…

  13. Winnie H. says:

    I’ll chime in with another great, big NO.

    I really don’t think that Obama is even considering offering her the VP slot.

    He doesn’t need her, and if the party is concerned about the Hispanic vote they need look no farther than Bill Richardson. And there are many other great choices like Edwards, Jack Reed from Rhode Island, Chris Dodd, plus several very capable women Governors who would add alot to the ticket.

    Even from a purely political standpoint, her state, NY, is already a guarantee for the Democrats so she would add absolutely nothing to the ticket.

    He has run a brilliant campaign, and so I am sure that he will make a brilliant choice for VP. He will choose someone who shares his political philosophy and “bottom up” approach to governing, and that certainly isn’t Hillary.

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