Bitter Hillbots Don’t Care if Roe is Overturned

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I remember when being a feminist meant supporting a woman’s reproductive rights. How quaint.

Roe doesn’t matter to rabid Hillbot, Koryne Horbal, the founder of the DFL Feminist Caucus located in Minnesota. Horbal tells the Minneapolis-Star Tribune that she is pushing a petition drive to secure the commitment of feminists everywhere to write-in Sen. Hillary Clinton’s name in November.

What if that means Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., becomes president?

“I don’t care. Let McCain clean it up for four years, and then we can have Hillary run again.”

It’s fairly irrefutable that should there be a Supreme Court vacancy in the next four years, which there probably will be, McCain will appoint a Justice who in all likelihood will be the final vote to overturn Roe v Wade.

So how do feminists reconcile waving buh-bye to Roe? Disappointment that Hillary Clinton won’t be the Democratic nominee is one thing but, electing John McCain, a pro-Life Republican who says Roe should be overturned just to punish Barack Obama exists in the realm of insanity.

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8 Responses to Bitter Hillbots Don’t Care if Roe is Overturned

  1. feminazi says:

    Christopher – These women are nuts. Their fanatical adherence to Hillary Clinton is akin to the drugged out, whacked out women who followed Charles Manson around like Moonies and committed those awful murders back in 1967. A genuine feminist, a woman who is old enough to remember the days of back alley abortions and traveling to Mexico, would never help elect an anti-Choice Republican. These women are truly crazy.

  2. Joe in Colorado says:

    Feminazi hit the nail on the proverbial head. These women aren’t feminists — they’re dangerous fanatics and display all the behaviors seen in a kidnap victim. I just hope one of them doesn’t try anything violent this August in Denver. I wouldn’t put it past them.

  3. Woodcliffe says:

    The analogy to Manson’s followers is a good one.

    I am convinced these loony Hillbots would try to reinstate slavery if they thought it would remove Obama from the front runner position and return him to the plantation. Their behavior is unlike anything I’ve seen in all the years I’ve followed politics.

  4. Jenna Bush Stole My ID says:

    Everyone who is sick and tired of the Hillary Monster please raise your hand???

  5. Kathi Bianchi says:

    This is so shortsighted on the part of Hillary’s supporters.

    Initially, I felt the urge to apologize for them but, the fact is, these women do not speak for every voter with a vagina.

    As a Democrat, I will vote for our candidate and if our candidate turns out to be Barack Obama, I’m there.

    John McCain must not be elected president.

  6. Conejo1982 says:

    I think it’s reasonable to say that a candidate can be judged by the people around them.

    Hillary Clinton’s team includes the likes of Bill Clinton, James Carville, George Stephanopolous, Mark Penn (since fired), Maggie Williams and Geraldine Ferraro. Geraldine Ferraro deserves special mention for the racist drivel oozing from her piehole.

    By contrast, Barack Obama is surrounded by David Axelrod, Dan Pfeiffer, Paul Tewes, Steve Hildebrand and Cassandra Butts. All of whom have ties to Al Gore, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephard and Tim Johnson. These are highly respected and honorable men and women.

  7. It is NO longer about her…it is time for her to exit, but also to lead her people to some Rational Reality- if her legacy is to leave many women feeling disenfranchised and bitter, look HOW long it took her in a halfassed fashion apologize for her Iraq Vote- this is NO different-

    NARAL supported Obama, and they stand by that..and they will come out strong against McInsane…and they are the respected Voice on this issue…

    Hillary will go down as the Most Bitter Divisive Candidate ever…we have a NEW Zell Miller…

  8. Robert Rouse says:

    Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned – Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned“. That said – and I don’t really buy into William Congreve’s line from “The Mourning Bride” – Clinton is going to have to pound the evils of voting fro McLame into her vengeance-filled zombie followers.

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