McCain ♥s Hillary

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The mutual respect club between John McCain and Hillary Clinton continues unabated.

“I have known Sen. Clinton, I admire her and I respect her. She has inspired generations of American women to believe that they can reach the highest office in this nation and I respect that. But I admire the campaign she has run and I think she deserves a great deal of credit. I think the few of us who have been around politics for a while learned a lesson way back in 1992: that you better not count a Clinton out of any race.”

His remarks were greeted with scattered laughter among the conservative crowd at a town hall meeting in Nashville, TN.

McCain’s praise of Hillary Clinton dovetails nicely with what Bill Clinton said about the relationship between his wife and the Arizona senator. According to former president Clinton:

“She and John McCain are very close. They always laugh that if they wind up being the nominees of their parties, it would be the most civilized election in American history and probably put the voters to sleep.”

Comments like these certainly fuel speculation that McCain could stun the GOP and wind up asking Hillary to be his running mate. It’s really not too far fetched when you stop to consider: both McCain and Hillary voted for the Iraq war; both support a military invasion of Iran; and both support NAFTA. Hillary’s liberal bona fides has always been terribly overstated. Just like claims that McCain is some sort of rightwing extremist don’t stand up to careful examination.

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10 Responses to McCain ♥s Hillary

  1. Brigadoon says:

    I think a McCain/Clinton ticket would work on a number of levels. If McCain made such a bold move it would help bolster the claims that the GOP is really “the Big Tent party.” Hillary is a woman and sort of a Democrat. Hey, she could pull a Lieberman and become an Independent? Plus, did you watch the Democratic and Republican debates? The answers both of them gave on foreign policy and national security were almost identical.

  2. Peace Nick says:

    I think McCain is the luckiest man in America.

    He takes a limited intellect, marries a wealthy heiress, Cindy McCain, and gets elected to the ultimate clubhouse of all — the U.S. Senate.

    Hillary is lucky too. She attaches her fortunes to Bill Clinton, and the couple rack up $109 million in assets.

    For two people of limited talent, they’ve done very well for themselves.

  3. TOM339 says:

    Peace Nick! Did you burn out battling the Hillbots on the Democratic Underground? It’s a losing battle.

    About McCain and Hillary. I always wondered why no one questioned this mutual admiration society between them. But when Obama speaks of reaching across party lines to get things accomplished, like energy and national healthcare, the Hillbots go ballistic and call him a sellout.

    Talk about a double standard. But I think we’ve all learned that equality has no place in Hillaryland.

  4. Peace Nick says:

    Hi Tom339. So this is where you’re posting these days?

    It became a losing game at DU. When the mods let Hillbots get away with calling Obama the “N” word, I had to depart.

    This is a much better place to post.

  5. Rachel says:

    I can’t stand either of them. If McCain really were to put Hillary on his ticket, I think she should be forced to return every dime of money her donors have sent her. Donors contributed to a Democrat and not a Republican.

  6. Aunt Peg says:

    Peace Nick! I thought you would show up. I stopped posting at DU and AB months ago but a lot of the old regulars are posting here at From the Left. A better vibe and it’s largely a Hillbot-free zone. Don’t be a stranger.

  7. .
    It’s bogus, dudes, Billary is general election KRYPTONITE. (That’s why Repuklickin’s are cross-dressing to vote for her. That’s why it’s futile for us to vote for her.)

    The Repukes don’t trust McSenile as it is, and they HATE the KKKlintons. Especially the fundies! Hillary might cross the aisle AFTER the election (which will be the end of her in NY), but she won’t be welcome on a ‘Puke Prez ticket any time soon.

    Now, let’s get down to BIDNIZ! Yawl gotta write yer Superdelegates TODAY, and tell ’em to shut this thing down NOW! Click on my nick for free contact info: Easy to find YOUR Supers & email them. Do it now. I’ll buy yez a beer.

    Oh, the links on my site will enable you to reach any elected or Demo Party official in the USA, any time. Feel free to save ’em for future correspondence. In case they FORGET who won this election for ’em, like, the day after. Gotta keep ’em honest, folks. Thanks.

  8. DMason says:

    Hillary stands for Hillary. If there is an attempt to reinstate the military draft and she thought it was popular with voters in the south who might support her 2012 bid for president in 2012, Hillary would vote for it. She’s a self-serving, calculating politician and don’t you forget it.

  9. Roger says:

    Holy fuckballs…I didn’t even think that could happen.

    But it totally could. And do you know how many people would fall for the okey-doke? I mean, we know Harriet (Not A)Christian would trip all over herself voting for McSame/Shillary. And they’d tout “bipartisanship,” but it would be just a bunch of lies.

  10. head hurts….Hillary is in this for HER…period…would she join McSame’s ticket- wow…I think she would…she has spoken frequently negative about Obama, and never about McSame…

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