McCain Pastor: Islam Is a ‘Conspiracy of Spiritual Evil’

Friday, May 23, 2008

Despite his call for the U.S. to win the “hearts and minds of the Islamic world,” Sen. John McCain recruited the support of an evangelical minister who describes Islam as “anti-Christ” and Mohammed as “the mouthpiece of a conspiracy of spiritual evil.”

Religious nutcase, Pastor Rod Parsley of the World Harvest Church of Columbus, Ohio has surfaced at a critical time in McCain’s campaign. On the waning heels of Obama’s mini-controversy vis a vis Rev. Wright, it’s become clear that John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee has his own pastor problem.

At a campaign appearance in Cincinnati, McCain introduced Parsley as “one of the truly great leaders in America, a moral compass, a spiritual guide.”

Campaign aides positioned Parsley right behind McCain for photographers, apparently unconcerned about Parsley’s well-established denunciations of the Islamic faith in a book “Silent No More” and on DVDs of sermons about Islam.

“Islam is an anti-Christ religion that intends through violence to conquer the world,” Parsley says on the DVDs reviewed by ABC News.

“America was founded with the intention of seeing this false religion destroyed,” Parsley says, “and I believe Sept. 11, 2001 was a generational call to arms that we can no longer ignore.”

Parsley’s views and his connection to the McCain campaign are now beginning to show up on Arab Web sites and newspapers.

Al Moheet, a regional Arabic Web site operating in Egypt, carries the story with a picture of McCain and the headline: “McCain’s Spiritual Adviser Calls for the Destruction of Islam.”

“If there is a McCain presidency, he will start with a serious handicap in the Arab world,” said former CIA intelligence officer John Kiriakou. “And the handicap is that it is already assumed in Muslim countries that they will not get a fair shake from a McCain administration,” said Kiriakou.

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10 Responses to McCain Pastor: Islam Is a ‘Conspiracy of Spiritual Evil’

  1. Larry says:

    McCain doesn’t want to rember standing on an arena stage with Parsley a few months ago in Columbus proclaiming Parsley to be his “Spiritual Adviser.”

    But the Deranged one still takes a little “Parsley” on his plate every meal.

  2. Brigadoon says:

    The fact is, McCain sought out Rod Parsley. It wasn’t the other way around. McCain can’t have it both ways. He’s made his choice when it comes to who is his spiritual adviser. If they’re going to tar and feather Obama for Rev. Wright, McCain doesn’t get a pass on Parsley.

  3. Rachel says:

    Until the 2008 election, I admit that I had never even heard of John Hagee or Ron Parsley of for that matter, Jeremiah Wright. The more I learn about them, the more I know that organized religion plays no role in my life and with good reason.

  4. Jim says:

    Yes, McCain actually recruited this nutcase. Sooooo Republican.

  5. Aunt Peg says:

    Have a lovely Memorial Day weekend my children.

    About McCain and his pastor problem, I think we’ve just scratched the surface of what ails the Republican front runner.

  6. TOM339 says:

    Cable MSM is reporting McCain dumped Parsely in light of the hate speech that spills out of his mouth regarding Muslims.

    Now, I’ve been around a while and followed politics for many years. You’re not going to convince me that Johnny Boy wasn’t aware of Ron Parsely’s views. I am left wondering if McCain privately shares them?

    After all, Johnny Boy is old school.

  7. joost says:

    John McCain’s pastor problems are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

    Wait until his lobbyist ties come to light.

    Already one of his campaign advisers was forced to resign because he was on the payroll of the military junta of Myanmar. The fun is just starting.

  8. Kellybelle says:

    I was in church and even my pastor said Rod Parsley was an ass, LOL! You know you’re a nutjob when other members of the cloth say get a life!

  9. DW says:

    Parsley is right about Islam AND MCcain is a goob.

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