Why Would Hillary Invoke Robert Kennedy’s Assassination?

Friday, May 23, 2008

Hillary Clinton’s latest argument for staying in the race took a highly disturbing turn today.

While meeting with the editorial board of South Dakota’s Sioux Falls Argus-Leader Newspaper, Clinton raised the specter of political assassination while discussing why she would remain in the race:

“My husband did not wrap up the nomination in 1992 until he won the California primary somewhere in the middle of June, right? We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California. I don’t understand it.”

I don’t “understand it” either. Is Sen. Clinton saying she hopes Sen. Obama is assassinated? If this remark was some type of Freudian slip, then I would argue Hillary Clinton is not only ill-suited to be president — she has no business serving in the United States Senate, either.

The issue of political assassination is extremely sensitive in this election, as African American voters have repeatedly expressed worry that Barack Obama could be assassinated during the race. The fear has its roots in 20th century political America, as civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and Democratic presidential candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, were killed by assassins bullets.

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41 Responses to Why Would Hillary Invoke Robert Kennedy’s Assassination?

  1. Based on the nasty things being said about Hillary (all over the net), I could see where a woman candidate could be in danger of assasination, as well. Regardless, it is an odd thing to be said.

  2. DMason says:

    Keith Olbermann will have a “Special Comment” tonight about Hillary’s vile reference. It’s sure to be a real winner, as Keith never misses the mark. I think this was just another race salvo fired directly at the African America community to unnerve them. The Clintons have played race politics since South Carolina and nothing seems to have changed in the final days of Hillary’s campaign.

  3. woyoyo says:

    What an ugly woman.

    To think when the primary began and we had what, 8 or 9 people in the race, I thought this witch could be the first female president.

    I learned quickly just who Hillary Clinton is and I’m sorry to say the right wing had her (and Bill’s) number all along.

  4. Joe in Colorado says:

    Hillary’s bizarre remarks were sufficiently serious that her campaign was forced to issue a retraction and an apology directly to Barack Obama. This sort of thing isn’t an accident. Hillary “Seven Sisters” Clinton has a college education and she’s been around politics many decades. At this level, mistakes aren’t made because she’s no neophyte. I think David is correct. Her comments were intended to frighten the Black community. Needle them, if you will, for not supporting her and instead, supporting Obama.

  5. Winnie H. says:

    Just when I think I can’t be any more shocked at how vile she really is, something like this happens.

    I literally gasped as I read her remarks. At the very least she is incredibly insenstive to the Obamas and their children, and the Kennedy family. At the very worst, she is putting it out there as an idea, or possibly, a threat.

    Will this finally push the superdelegates to do what they should have done weeks ago?

  6. Harry says:

    Nevermind the presidency. Hillary Clinton isn’t fit to serve out her term in the US Senate. She should resign her office at once.

  7. Roger says:

    What a vile, contemptible harpy!

    “I learned quickly just who Hillary Clinton is and I’m sorry to say the right wing had her (and Bill’s) number all along.”

    Y’know, I’ve been saying the same thing. To think, just a year ago, I was ready to vote for her. Now, I wouldn’t vote for her to be dogcatcher.

  8. Ypsilanti says:

    Hillary is a pig.

    To Joe in Colorado, unless something transpired in the past hour, it was my understanding that she apologized to the Kennedy family and not a word was said to the Obama family or campaign.

    If you know something I missed, I apologize.

    I wonder what the Hillklansters at the Democratic Underground are saying about their Queen’s latest hate speech? I’m sure they have all their excuses lined up in a tidy row, just as they always do when Hillary makes an ass of herself.

    But this was a new low — even for Hillary.

    Would New York voters ever reelect her to the senate again? These people are fairly well versed and politically sophisticated. I simply can’t see how this wretched woman would ever be returned to elected office.

    Not after this disgusting performance.

  9. Estacada says:

    I think it extremely unlikely that Hillary Clinton can climb out of the hole she’s managed to dig for herself making this latest comment.

    For millions and of Americans, Democrat and Republican alike, the Kennedy family is revered like political royalty. Look at the response to Sen. Ted Kennedy’s tragic health news this week from his colleagues in the Congress. Even conservative elected lawmakers expressed genuine sorrow.

    The unique place the Kennedy family occupies in the collective American conscience is something carpetbaggers like Hillary and Bill Clinton will never understand. They confuse public service with opportunity and love with adoration.

    Hillary Clinton doesn’t need the keys to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She needs a straight-jacket.

  10. Ingrid says:

    Christopher, just linked to your site and referenced the youtube video..

  11. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    Shame on you Hillary Clinton.
    Shame on you Hillary Clinton.
    Shame on you Hillary Clinton.

    Lock her up.

  12. time for her to go…and not to 1600..and not to the VEEP slot…time for her to pack it up…the most Insensitive irresponsible thing I have ever heard uttered….and her “apology ” was even more pathetic…thanks for posting this…( she might have topped Huckabee’s “joke” with this insensitive statement…it was in way -Fearmongering..)

  13. Randy Arroyo says:

    What do you want to bet before the Memorial Day weekend is over, Bill Clinton will be dispatched to try and spin away this evil bitch’s remarks in his special, downhome, Arkansas, cornpone way, with some lame-ass excuse like, “Aw shucks, Hillary’s been on the campaign trail for 15 months and she’s gone sleepless for 3 days.” I hate them both.

  14. Joe in Colorado says:

    Hi Ypsilanti – I stand corrected. Our local Denver news channel reported Hillary had apologized to Obama and I posted what they said. I saw Hillary’s retraction on MSNBC tonight and she never once mentioned Obama by name. I was wrong. Sorry.

  15. Kellybelle says:

    She is missing a sensitivity chip. She is desperate.
    Thanks for the heads up on Olberman commenting on it. Even HE seems to feel bad for her.

  16. VicoDANIEL says:

    OK, we get it, Senator Clinton.

    You’re keeping your fingers crossed and hoping Senator Barack Obama is assassinated and then you will be elevated to front runner status.

    Well, I’ve got news for Senator Clinton. It’s not going to happen.

    Perhaps now, the idiot superdelegates will have an 11th hour pow-wow tonight and put an end to this primary nightmare by announcing tomorrow that the remaining of the undecideds, have “decided” to support Obama, thus ending any and all hopes for Hillary Clinton to be the nominee?

  17. California Dreamin' says:

    Time to stick a fork in Hillary because her political career just ended today.

    Nevermind her vice presidential fantasy or running again in 2012 or 2016 for president. Her entire career in politics came to a shuddering close with this ill-timed comment.

  18. Kellybelle says:

    Whew, Olberman made me moist!

  19. Tengrain says:

    Christopher –

    This finally made me swear in a post on MPS. It’s official: I hate, Hate, HATE her.



  20. mbmdl says:

    I’m playing catch up and reading all the comments after watching Keith Olbermann. We didn’t have the TV on when we got home tonight so I was about 4 hours after the firestorm. All I know is this. If her comments didn’t destroy her senate career, I think Keith’s “Special Comments” hammered a nail in her future. Just play his words over and over and over.

  21. libhomo says:

    The Justice Department should launch a criminal investigation to determine if Ms. Clinton made a terrorist threat against Obama. There should be a Special Prosecutor because of the conflicts of interest any Bush regime officials might have.

  22. Sasha in MN says:

    Gross and any HRC supporters left or spinners…grosser yet.
    And BTW she did not apologize to Obama nor mention him in her statement/fumbling apology it was directed to the Kennedys.
    We don’t have to look too far anymore to find a real axis of evil and if this is not a clue by reasoning her exhaustion to utter such crass remarks & Freudian slips and obvious signs she needs to quit the race, I hope the super delegates that are still trying to locate their spines move quick because there is absolutely no more reasons to be mute or extra sensitive to this pathetic twit of a woman.

  23. A Regular Patriot says:

    Nothing from this horrible shrew suprises me anymore.

  24. PJ Coco says:

    Lady Macbeth lives! Today, she is called Hillary. She has proven she will stop at nothing to gain the presidency. However, she blew it today with her Freudian slip–she’s been holding out until…. The Superdelegates and the DNC need to move quickly to put out that candle real quick!

  25. Tiny Dancer says:

    This isn’t the only time Hillary said an assassination could rescue her dwindling chances of becoming the Democratic nominee.

    In March, 2008, she told TIME, Inc., the following:

    TIME: Can you envision a point at which–if the race stays this close–Democratic Party elders would step in and say, “This is now hurting the party and whoever will be the nominee in the fall”?

    CLINTON: No, I really can’t. I think people have short memories. Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A. My husband didn’t wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June. Having a primary contest go through June is nothing particularly unusual.


  26. libhomo says:

    Tonight, Keith Olbermann pointed out similar comments Clinton made in the past. This wasn’t a mistake; it was a talking point.

  27. Gryphen says:

    Hillary kept her campaign going in the hope that Obama would make some horrible gaffe.

    Well “gaffe” I would like you to meet Hillary Rodham Clinton. She has waiting for you. However she expected you to be a little less painful and career ending.

  28. Diane says:

    We should support HRC because:

    1. White bigots do; and
    2. Obama might get shot.

    The woman – and her husband – have no shame.

    I, and the rest of the nation, are tired of politicians appealing to the worst in people.

  29. Robert Rouse says:

    Until I started writing about this earlier, I had no idea how much it actually affected me. Her time as a candidate is officially over.

  30. Travelingman says:

    Whether or not you have supported HRC for President the time has come for this crazed harpie to slink off and go away for the good of the nation.

    The only result of these digusting comments, you know, should be that the crazy harpie withdraw from the race and support the candidate that has won the nomination.

  31. feminazi says:

    I don’t know what I could possibly add that hasn’t been said. I awoke to this filth today and my thoughts instantly went to Ted Kennedy, who only 3 days before was diagnosed with a malignant, brain tumor. Obviously, this little fact didn’t register to Hillary Clinton who thinks only of herself. I never thought I could loathe her as much as I loathe Bush but, she’s managed to bring it out of me.

  32. Brigadoon says:

    I see I’m late to post here so I’ll make it brief. I have just two words for Hillary Clinton: FUCK YOU.

  33. nearlynormalized says:

    In my opinion, Ms. Clinton is a real piece of shit and was classless in her carefully spoken words.

  34. Pingback: bobby kennedy · TODAY VIDEO

  35. Adirondacky says:

    I notice today the MSM is giving the story at best, only cursory coverage. They seem afraid to mention it. Once again proving that Hillary Clinton is treated differently from other candidates. Even when she says she’s banking on Obama being assassinated to become the front runner. It’s just bizarre.

  36. BBooth says:

    “If Reputation is a photograph … then Character is the face.”

    Rather than expound on what I’ve written thus far, I provided the link:

    What One Does Speaks So Loudly . . .?

    Years from now when historian look back on Hillary’s campaign, they will likened her to a cantankerous and crotchety dinner guest, who you wish would have had the common sense to leave … 5 minutes before you wish they would have.

    Definitely keep your thoughts and post coming. It only serves to keep these issues to the forefront where they can be discussed.

  37. batguano101 says:

    Invoking assassination is not a slip of the tongue: it affects the nation, both parties, and the future of democratic process in the USA.

    This candidate should be
    1. bared from any possibility of nomination to prevent motivation for what was invoked.
    2. censured in the strongest possible terms

    This is not about who is nominated, who wins the White House, but is about what we allow in our political process.

    To do less than the above assures Colombian rules to elections.

    The USA is not a Banana Republic- only swift, removal of this use of invoking assassination will prevent it from becoming one.

  38. Mak Ossa says:

    We should understand that hit’s been a long race, and this woman had tried. Yes, every one is getting tired and Obama is not immuned to the same mistake. Politicians put their feet in thier mouths all the time.. It just so unfortunate that such statement came at this crucial time for her..

  39. Bill Hussein O'Reilly says:

    So, Billary was shopping the wife around to be Obama’s Veep.

    Hmmm, methinks she has a better chance of being veep of WalMart.

  40. batguano101 says:

    Mak Ossa-

    I strongly disagree:

    the use of invoking assassination is no joke, no slip of the tongue, it is a fundamental shift of the democratic practice of elections.

    No one candidate or one election is as important as protecting the process.

  41. Miranda says:

    Shrillary has clearly lost her mind. If she is prone to saying things like this in the middle of the day, when she’s supposedly coherent, then what pray tell will she say when that 3a.m. call comes in??

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